Hunting referendum: missed goal. But we had the courage to dare

by time news

by Alberto

More than a year has passed since that November 17, 2020, when a group of people gathered who would then have given life to the Referendum Committee Yes, let’s abolish hunting. A lot has happened in this long year. Beyond all expectations, we managed to stick together and now, with an eye to the future, to propose new projects to protect the environment in which we live and every creature that inhabits it.

The theory of better organization of work it consists in conceiving organizational thinking not only through structures and procedures, but considering the human spirit as the best integration tool that allows us to face complexity. Therefore, an even more solid structure is needed but also a lot of will, the same will that the activists of the Committee have shown in facing the most arduous challenges.

A heartfelt thanks to those who have collaborated, to those who have supported us and to those who will arrive. Quoting Albert Einstein: “Nothing truly valuable can be achieved except through selfless cooperation of many individuals”.

To allow this Committee an even better ordered and regulated structure, the shareholders met for hours in the assembly on 18 December 2021, creating a robust and detailed Statute, transforming the current name into Cadapa Committee, that is: “Anti-Species Animal Defense Committee for Environmental Protection”; Cadapa is not only a random acronym made up of initials, but also an important term that means “door of the future”.

Sometimes, in order to continue on our path it is necessary to make a change. When we no longer feel satisfied with what is around us, the fact of changing even something small can become a launching pad. for the start of a new life. A change, even if only in the attitude towards life, is necessary to continue our journey. We have only one life and it is never too late to do something new, especially if it is in defense of those who cannot speak our language. We need not fear a push into the unknown as our courage can try to eradicate evil, the injustice and suffering imposed on other living beings and this Planet, so tired of our invasive presence.

In trying to better organize this wonderful group of activists, the new National Board of Directors was elected, composed as follows:

Curcio Antonino – President
Pierpaolo Cirillo – Vice President
Paolo Bernini – Treasurer
Alice Delicati – Secretary
David Zanforlini – Director
Floriana Lupis – Director
Maurilio Calleri – Director
Orietta Biguzzi – Director
Patrizia Munarin – Director
Rossana Larato – Director
Solange Pichler – Director

I realize that the sad news of not being able to collect 500,000 signatures to propose the referendum leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but I believe that the Committee did a masterful job. We have succeeded where others have never had the courage to dare, we have created the basis for the next attempt which may already be in two years, in 2024. We have created a group that intends to fight together again for animal rights and safeguard the environment.

I thank all the people who have supported us this year; I thank the associations and political parties who took our referendum to heart and supported it; I thank those who have personally helped me in the hard organizational work and I hope that the new management can improve what has been good throughout this year.

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