Hustle and bustle, interruptions … Elisabeth Borne heckled during her general policy speech

by time news

With a dark look, Elisabeth Borne turns to the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet. “Dear colleagues, please let the Prime Minister continue,” urges the latter, in full hubbub. The head of government was speaking this Wednesday afternoon at the National Assembly, for her general policy speech. But his voice was often drowned out by the cries and slogans of particularly noisy opposition MPs.

According to several journalists on site, this hubbub came in particular (but not only) from the benches of left-wing deputies, members of the New Ecological, Popular and Social Union (Nupes). François Ruffin, in particular, made himself particularly heard. “Doomed twice! “, also shouted the leader of the group La France insoumise, Mathilde Panot, after Elisabeth Borne assured that we “will win the battle for the climate”. Reference to the condemnations of the State for climatic inaction.

“The new deputies La France insoumise show their true face”

The passage on health was particularly hectic. While the Prime Minister pointed out “the fragilities of our healthcare system” accentuated by the Covid pandemic, left-wing deputies shouted at her: “Hypocrite! Hypocrite! “. Most often imperturbable in appearance, Elisabeth Borne sometimes seemed annoyed.

An elected Les Républicains assures that this heckling was not necessarily stronger than during the great speeches of previous Prime Ministers. There is also a bias: the presidential majority being this time only relative, the opposition deputies likely to make their disagreements heard are much more numerous than before.

This brouhaha was denounced on social networks by several observers… as well as by elected representatives of the majority. “Insults, cries, noise and provocation… The new deputies La France insoumise did not wait long to show their true face and their objectives”, tackled the deputy Jean-René Cazeneuve, for example. At only one moment, that of paying homage to the soldiers who died for France and their families, all the deputies stood up and applauded.

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