Hypersexuality, what it is and how to know if I have it

by time news

2024-09-24 20:00:22

If you can only think about sex, find it difficult to focus on other activities, and have trouble controlling your impulses, you may be dealing with a sexual dysfunction. Learn to recognize it.

Last update: September 24, 2024

Understanding hypersexuality will allow you to identify its symptoms and explain whether or not you have sexual fixation. This condition, also known as sexual addiction or hypersexual disorder, is characterized by a persistent obsession with this subject, to the point of interfering with daily activities.

Sexual desire is a natural part of life and can vary depending on context, emotions, and physical health. However, when it becomes ineffective and violent, it is a serious problem.

How is sex addiction defined?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sexual intercourse is a Asiali control bleedingin which a man cannot control his sexual desires. Compulsive repetition and obsession with sex-related behaviors cause negative consequences in different areas of life.

Unlike high libido, this disorder is characterized by a constant and compulsive need to engage in arousal activities, such as excessive pornography use, frequent masturbation, or intercourse with multiple partners. These are behaviors that interfere with daily life, affecting personal relationships, work, and emotional well-being.

It is often compared to other modern addictions as an uncontrollable structure is felt. And, in some cases, Withdrawal symptoms are also suffered.

The WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) recognizes sexual abuse as a major mental health problem. However, not formally known in it Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Gender difference

In statistics, it is estimated that the 8.6% of people in the United States suffer from sex addiction. Although it can affect both men and women, it is more common in them.

In women, obsession tends to be more related to emotional dependence and the search for intimacy. Sex is a way to get love or escape loneliness.

In men, it is more common for compulsions to manifest themselves in an external way, such as constantly looking for new partners, using a lot of pornography, and being violent. They are actions that are often driven by the desire for instant gratification and the need for control.

Features and symptoms

Hypersexuality manifests itself in different ways in each person. For some, problems may be based on controlling sexual impulses, while for others it will be a struggle to process the motivations for specific sexual acts, such as rape.

However, there are common characteristics and symptoms, such as the following:

  • Affective and uncontrolled sexual behaviors are hidden with lies.
  • Attempts have failed in changing the desire to reduce or control fantasies and behaviors.
  • The continuation of sexual behavior, despite its unsatisfactory or negative consequences.
  • Difficulty developing and maintaining healthy and stable relationships, due to excessive concern about sex.
  • Negative emotions linked to sexual behavior, such as shame, guilt, anxiety, depression or worry.
  • Frequent, intense and uncontrollable sexual thoughts and fantasies that take up a lot of time and concentration.
  • Using sexual behavior as a coping mechanism for emotional problems, such as depression, sadness or stress.
  • Feelings of tension, anxiety, or extreme pleasure before sexual activity, followed by relief or release. Guilt or anxiety may also appear when it’s over.
  • The inability to control impulses and regulate sexual desires, leading to continued participation in acts of a sexual nature, even with harm to oneself or third parties.

What are the associated behaviors?

People with hypersexuality They may engage in a variety of compulsive and impotent behaviors, as follows:

Why did it happen?

The real reasons for this disorder it is not entirely clear and more research is necessary. However, several factors have been identified that may contribute to its development:

  • Neurological medical conditionssuch as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Kleine-Levin syndrome. Anxiety, depression, substance use, a history of abuse, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder can increase your risk.
  • Side effects of certain drugs They may be linked to a compulsive need to have sex or think about it. Those that affect dopamine levels in the brain, such as those used to treat Parkinson’s disease, have been associated with the appearance of hypersexual behaviors.
  • Him imbalance in neurotransmitterssuch as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which regulates sexual behavior, can lead to a Impaired impulse control.
  • Past Trauma Can Work as a Coping Processdriving people to find comfort in repetitive sexual behaviors.
  • Availability and ease of access to promotional material It also increases the risk of developing impulsive behavior.

In most cases, a combination of internal and external factors is responsible.

The results

This behavior have a significant effect in the lives of those who suffer from it and in their social circle. First of all, problems may appear in personal communicationssince too much focus on sex undermines trust and communication with others.

In addition, people with the disorder often neglect their responsibilities at work or at home, which affects their performance. They may also feel guilty or ashamed about their behavior, which lowers their self-esteem.

One of the biggest concerns is the high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). People who are sexually active tend to engage in high-risk behaviorssuch as not using security or having multiple partners.

Finally, It is a disorder that can cause other mental health problemssuch as depression and anxiety. Many people turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with their emotions, which makes the situation worse. In severe cases, patients may abuse, commit violence, have suicidal thoughts or self-destructive behavior.

We all have different levels of love. High libido is only a problem if it affects relationships, daily life, or mental health.

How is hypersexuality diagnosed?

Diagnosing sex addiction is complicated because it is not officially recognized in the DSM-5. It means that there are no clear criteria to identify it. Even so, many mental health professionals use the ICD-11 guidelines or general criteria for addiction disorders to diagnose it.

In general, the diagnosis is confirmed if symptoms persist for more than six months and are not explained by other medical conditions. Experts emphasize determining whether sexual behavior becomes a problem in daily life.

How do you know if you have hypersexuality?

A critical diagnosis is that of a health professional. However, you can actually answer the following questions to identify, in the first instance, the existence or not of a problem:

  1. Do your sexual behaviors make you feel guilty or anxious?
  2. Do you feel like you can’t control your sexual desires?
  3. Have you lost the ability to get pleasure during your sexual behaviors?
  4. Do you think your sexual desires can cause harm to yourself or others?
  5. Have you lied or deceived those around you to continue your sexual activities?
  6. Has your personal, social, work or economic life been affected by your sexual desire?
  7. Do you have trouble changing or controlling your sexual behaviors, despite wanting to do so?
  8. Do you devote much of your time to fantasies, behaviors or sexual encounters, neglecting other activities?

If you answered “yes” to several questions, you should speak with a specialist to properly assess your situation.


Treatment for sexual behavior should be comprehensive and It will vary depending on the characteristics of the disorder and the needs of the patient. It generally involves a combination of psychotherapy, medications, and support groups.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most widely used technique. It helps people to identify patterns of negative thoughts and behaviors and replace them with healthy behaviors.

Psychodynamic therapy can also be used to explore, identify and resolve the causes and emotional conflicts that contribute to hypersexuality. In addition, acceptance and commitment therapy teaches how to accept releases and thoughts, while developing strategies that align with the patient’s values.


Medicines are also an important part of the method. Especially if you have other behavioral disorders, such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse.

Mood stabilizers, antidepressants, naltrexone (used to reduce addictive urges), and, in specific cases, antiandrogens, can help.

support groups

Support groups, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous, They are a valuable aid. These are communities of people who have similar experiences, in which you can share experiences, get support and find strategies to prevent relapses.

These groups are a safe environment, where participants can learn to manage their situation. Generally, they follow a 12-step model, which includes self-worth, admitting mistakes, repairing damage, spiritual strength, and supporting each other in the recovery process.

How to deal with hypersexuality?

Addressing your addiction to sex can be very challenging, but it is an important step in regaining control of your life. The treatment and management process requires a comprehensive approach.

There are useful strategies that can help you manage your problem:

  • Take good care of yourself: Let go of shame and guilt and focus on recovery.
  • Be honest: Talk openly with your partner and your family about your problem and establish boundaries in relationships.
  • Practice stress management techniques: Participate in activities that promote relaxation, meditation, and stress reduction.
  • Avoid the following factors: Avoid situations and activities that can cause a relapse, such as consuming porn, going to parties that celebrate silence, or using drugs that can reduce your self-control.

Hypersexuality is a condition that many people face. Although it may cause embarrassment, sadness, or affect your relationships, treatment and recovery are possible.

Seeking professional help is a basic step. Therapists specializing in sexual health are trained to give you the support and discretion you need.


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