Hyposensitization: Identify, Treat and Prevent Annoying Allergies with Specific Immunotherapy (SIT) – Complete Guide to Types of Therapy, Effects, and Requirements for Long-Term Relief from Allergic Symptoms Including Asthma, Anaphylaxis and More!

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2023-04-20 11:19:37

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Von: Olga Krokauer

An allergy test (prick test) on the forearm of a ten-year-old girl shows which substances her body reacts to. Hyposensitization is an option to alleviate allergic symptoms. (Archive image) © Frank May/dpa

With hyposensitization you can calm annoying allergies: You can find out more about types of therapy, effects and requirements here.

  • Allergies to certain substances in the environment can cause chronic diseases such as promote asthma*.
  • Hyposensitization arms the immune system with the necessary “tools” to alleviate symptoms in the long term.
  • How the specific immunotherapy works, how it works – and when it is an option for those affected.

Eyes are watering, the nose is running, the skin is itching: who has one allergic reaction unfortunately, reacted hypersensitive to certain substances. Whether pollen, insect venom or food – if your body comes into contact with the so-called allergen, the immune system of those affected forms allergy antibodies. When you come into contact again, your body reacts with typical symptoms. One Hyposensitization promises a remedy – even in the longer term. As early as 1997, the WHO declared this method to be the most effective treatment method in allergology.

Hyposensitization: This is how the allergy vaccination affects your immune system

Die hyposensitization, also called desensitization or specific immunotherapy (SIT), aims to strengthen the patient’s immune system gradually get used to the respective allergen. First, a small amount of the appropriate allergen extract – i.e. the allergy-triggering protein – is fed to the body. The Hypersensitivity to the allergen decreases.

The treatment aims to activate certain components of the immune system, such as specific antibodies, messenger substances and immune cells. This weaken the immune system’s response to the stimulus and block the allergic processes in the tissues. The amount of allergen is permanently increased in the course of hyposensitization up to the highest dose (the so-called maintenance dose). So your body can Tolerance to the allergen in question develop.

Most patients live after desensitization symptom-free in the long term. They prevent chronic diseases such as asthma and prevent particularly severe allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock.

Continue reading: Allergic shock: The risk increases in spring – these symptoms herald anaphylaxis

Are there side effects with hyposensitization?

Most side effects, such as redness, rash, or itching at the injection site (or at the mouth for sublingual therapy) fade away quickly and do not need to be treated. Because it In rare cases to a general allergic reaction or allergic shock can come, it is recommended to stay with the doctor in the waiting room for 30 minutes. In this way, possible side effects can be discussed and treated immediately. As the Corona mask helps with hay feverexplained 24vita.de*.

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Allergy survey

This is how hyposensitization works

If you suffer from symptoms all year round, you can start and continue hyposensitization at any time. If you have a pollen allergy, late summer or autumn is the perfect time to start SIT – i.e. a few months before the pollen season.

There are two Types of hypersensitivity:

  • The classic form is this subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT for short): The allergy-triggering extract is injected under the skin. It is particularly useful for Pollen, dust mite and insect venom allergies with severe symptoms.
  • A relatively new form of hyposensitization is the sublingual Immuntherapie (SLIT for short): The allergen is placed under the tongue as drops or tablets. This still very little researched desensitization method has already proven itself in the Grass and tree pollen allergy proven. It can also be used in patients who therapy with injections is not possible is.

Die classic hyposensitization takes place in the doctor’s office. It usually lasts up to three years (up to five years if you are allergic to insect venom!) and consists of two phases:

  1. increase phasealso called initial treatment: Here the allergen extract, mostly weekly in always increasing dose, injected under the skin above the elbow. The intervals between the injections can vary between three days and two weeks – depending on the type of solution and individual tolerance.
  2. maintenance therapy begins when the patient tolerates the therapy without side effects and the highest dose has been reached. From this time on, the doctor injects monthly the maximum amount the solution. The adaptation of your immune system to the respective allergen stabilizes.

In the sublingual hyposensitization the first intake takes place in the doctor’s office. If you tolerate them well, take the drug as a rule at home itself to – and the daily for three years.

When hyposensitization makes sense – and when you should do without it

The prerequisite for hyposensitization is that the allergy is with you as such clearly diagnosed became. It is primarily used for immediate-type allergies (type I allergy) – when symptoms occur immediately after contact with the allergen.

The rule of thumb is: The specific immunotherapy is recommendedif

  • you have had the typical symptoms for more than two years,
  • these are moderate to severe,
  • You cannot permanently avoid contact with allergy-causing substances and
  • the benefits of therapy outweigh the risks.

According to Apotheken Umschau, you should avoid hyposensitization if the following contraindications present:

  • uncontrolled asthma
  • severe cardiovascular disease
  • Therapy with beta blockers
  • severe autoimmune diseases
  • active cancers
  • pregnancy

Meanwhile there is Guidelines for specific immunotherapywhich lists the available preparations and the existing studies.

Text: Olga Krockauer

Also interesting: Which allergy is often behind burning eyes and swollen eyelids.

* Merkur.de and 24vita.de are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

#Hyposensitization #Alleviate #allergy #vaccination

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