Hypothesis more expensive fuel to lower car liability: here’s who benefits

by time news

2023-05-04 13:32:56

To lighten the cost of car insurance in House Finance Committee the possibility of eliminate the provincial tax which weighs on the Rc transforming it into aexcise duty on fuel. But what would actually change if the proposal were approved? Facile.it did some simulations, discovering that if in fact the average motorist would have a minimum saving (between 26 and 33 euros a year), on the other hand those who travel many kilometers, or those who drive vehicles with high fuel consumption, could suffer increases negligible. With 20,000 kilometers a year, for example, the motorist would see an overall burden of around 14 euros.

The benefit would also be different based on the residence; in province of Naples the total savings would be, on average, equal to 87 euros, a Milano just 12 euros. Savings on motor liability could therefore be outweighed by increases in the price of fuel; city ​​of residence, used vehicle and kilometers traveled are the variables to pay attention to. Eliminating the provincial tax from motor liability essentially means reducing the basic premium to between 12.5% ​​and 16%.

According to the Rc auto observatory of Facile.it, last month to insure a four-wheeler in Italy an average of 526 euros was needed, a value which, without the 16% tax (the most widespread rate in Italy), would drop to 459 euros, with a saving of about 67 euros. But how much would the price of fuel increase? According to the latest data, in 2021 the tax revenue guaranteed by the provincial tax on motor liability was approximately 2 billion euros; to maintain the same revenue it would be necessary to introduce a new excise duty on fuel of around €0.05 per liter considering that last year, between petrol and diesel for vehicles, around 39 billion liters of fuel were consumed in Italy. Data in hand, therefore, taking the average pump price recorded in the week of 10/4/2023, theincrease in the cost of fuel would be approximately 3.5%; the gas would go from about 1.88 to 1.94 €/litre, while the diesel from 1.77 to 1.83 €/litre.

The ultimate benefits for the individual driver would therefore depend on the kilometers travelled and from consumption of the driven vehicle: with a medium class petrol car and a mileage of 10,000 km a year, for example, the extra charge on petrol would be around 40 euros, but the final balance would be positive, with a saving of around 26 euros (which become 33 euros if the car is diesel). However, as the kilometers traveled increase, the economic benefits would decrease: with around 16,500 kilometers a year, again with a medium-class petrol car, for example, there would be no economic advantage (the savings on the RC would be cleared by the extra charge on petrol), while once this threshold is exceeded, the balance would become negative.

On the other hand, the less the car is used, the greater the final benefit will be: for those who travel 5,000 kilometers a year, for example, the net savings would be around 46 euros. As he explains Andrea Ghizzonimanaging director Insurance of Facile.it “the proposal would lead to some benefits, lightening the cost paid at the time of insurance renewal and redistributing the burden of the provincial tax also on those who drive without insurance coverage or use a vehicle with a foreign license plate On the other hand, it risks weighing more heavily on those categories of drivers who travel many kilometers a year and therefore could pay more than the current system The new system would contribute, at least in part, to reducing territorial distances in terms of premium average motor liability, taking into consideration, however, that motorists who now live in those areas of the country where insurance costs more and who travel fewer kilometers a year would fully enjoy the benefits; for others, however, the benefits could be lows or even turn into aggravations”.

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