HYROX: The Most Exciting Fitness Competition!

by time news
  • A sporting modality that is gaining more and more followers from different disciplines due to its variety, diversity and possibility of participation.
  • Combine both the resistance and aerobic power of the race, with different exercises or specific and predefined workouts interspersed.
  • It therefore consists of overcoming, interspersed, 1 km of race with 1 specific workout, until completing the 16 stations.

Hyrox: the competition that combines crossfit and running

This new modality of fitness combines crossfit exercisesbut not too complicated by running the distance of 1 km before each exercise or workout.

The preparation therefore requires a strong strength component, but without a doubt aerobic power and running speed also play a key role throughout this competition.

The test begins with a 1 km run followed by the first exercise, and so on. until completing the 8 combos race 1 km + workout.

All events, both nationally and internationally, have exactly the same format. All participants have to perform the same tests in the pre-established order as we will see below.

Fuente: https://hyrox.es/

What are the Hyrox workouts?

They are stations in which there is a strength component, but they are movements that the vast majority, with good training, can execute. That is, there are no weightlifting movements, with heavy loads or great technical difficulty.

Tractions, pushes and work with cycle ergometers that increase the cardiovascular work typical of Endurance.

This makes it a competitive modality more accessible to all audiencesand also more fun because of the possibilities of participation that it offers.

The circuit begins with a 1 kilometer run followed by the first workout:

1 – Skierg

It is a cycle ergometer that simulates the technical gesture of cross-country skiing in which, in addition to pulling with your arms, you can use your legs. They have to travel a distance of 1 kilometer.

2 – Sled Push

50 meter sled push with weights of 102 and 152 kg, for women and men respectively; increasing the kilos for the PRO category (175kg).

3 – Sled Pull

50 meters of pulling the sled with a rope of a load of 78 kg for women and 103 kg. For men; being different for the PRO category (125kg).

4 – Burpee Broad Jump

80 meters to cover making mockery with long jump.

5 – Rowing

Second cycle ergometer, this time rowing, in which they will also have to complete the distance of 1 kilometer.

6 – Farmers Carry

This workout consists of carrying kettlebells with each hand over a distance of 200 meters. Load of 16 kilos on each side for women and 24 kilos for men. Up to 32kg in PRO category.

7 – Sandbag Lunge

In this workout you have to cover a distance of 100 meters carrying a load on your back of 10 kilos for women and 20 for men, performing strides. With 30kg in PRO category.

8 – Wall Balls

The last workout consists of throwing the ball against the wall. Women must perform 75 repetitions with a 4kg ball, and men 100 repetitions with a 6kg load. With 9kg in PRO category.

Fuente: https://hyrox.es/

You can see all the events and weights to use in this link.

How long does the competition last?

The competition lasts the elapsed time from the beginning of the first workout (1 kilometer run) until the end of the last of the workouts (wall balls).

Participants start the test in toiletand the final classification corresponds to the times of each participant.

The average time of the total duration of the test is usually around an hour and a half.

Who can compete?

Anyone can compete without prior qualification.

It is a competition open to everyone since an excellent level of fitness is not required and the technical difficulty of the exercises is not too high. Besides, no pre-sorting needed to be able to participate in these events.

What makes this new modality of fitness so exciting are the possibilities of participating in the different tests throughout the season: individual, in pairs, relay.

Competition Categories

The competition is open to all, being able to participate in the following categories:

  • OPEN: everyone on an individual level.
  • INDIVIDUAL PRO: for elite athletes.
  • DOUBLES: in pairs, each participant carrying out their test adding the times of both at the end. Both female, male and also mixed category.
  • RELY TEAMS (RELEVOS): each participant does a workout.

Find your level!

Where is Hyrox held?

This modality was born in Germany, however, it is already present in many countries. In Spain, it has already been held in Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona and very soon in Malaga (April 15).

Tips to prepare for a Hyrox competition

Once you know each specific workout, in addition to the 8 1-kilometer race intervals, you will have to draw up a training plan in which you should not miss it.

  • Train your resistance: make sure you perform optimal running training for competition with running sessions at high intensity intervals between 400 – 1km.
  • Introduce progressive overload into your workouts: with the force work of tractions and pushes.
  • Resistance work and specific cardiovascular power: in cycle ergometers (skierg + rowing).
  • Preventive work on injuries and mobility: to be able to perform at your best and avoid injuries.
Training sessions in high intensity circuits, EMOM structure, Tabatas, are also a good way to prepare yourself physically and mentally for this new test that is waiting for you.

Supplements from our store recommended for this competition

From HSN we recommend the following products to get the most out of Hyrox performance:

  • Amino acids to optimize recovery.
  • Proteins to complement the requirements.
  • The number 1 supplement to improve performance: Creatine.
  • Post-workout supplements for training and competition.
  • That you do not lack energy at any time with these gels.

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