“I am a free woman” – time.news

by time news
Of Eve Goats

The singer has been defined “cougar smandrappona”, but has responded in style by claiming her right to show herself as she wants

A few days after the debut of her new video clip, Elodie is already facing sexist comments with little invective, which define her as “cougar smandrappona”. The video of the new single, “Bagno di mezzanotte”, has in fact unleashed a forest of unsolicited opinions on her sexy and bold look, proving that female freedom is only good for good wishes on March 8th. Elodie doesn’t get too upset and replied in kind: “I don’t feel offended. I am a free woman, I like my body I like to show it. I worked as a cubist for many years, I’m used to it, they told me all kinds of things “.

The reaction to Elodie’s look in “Bagno a midnight” comes from Dagospia, with an article probably designed more to provoke indignation than to welcome the new single, the proceeds of which will also be donated to Save The Children projects in Ukraine. In any case, a video of a few seconds was enough for the singer to silence the controversy: “I am a proud smandrappa, but I’m sorry how much female freedom puts these small, confused and frightened men in crisis. I am cheeky and always will be. Normal abroad. Let’s go get Madonna’s videos from thirty years ago: normal. There is nothing wrong with that ”.

March 11, 2022 (change March 11, 2022 | 13:19)

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