“I am candidate mayor in Barumbu” – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-08-22 00:53:07

A philosopher by training, writer, playwright and journalist by profession, the Brussels FITA Fita Dibwe, better known by the nickname of Cheik Fita, has decided to “go back down” into the political arena. For the record, the man participated in the work of the National Sovereign Conference (1991-1992) before sitting in the High Council of the Republic. “Sheik” chose to engage at the base where the social and economic development of the country should start. Namely: the municipality. A way to invest in people. The submission of applications will take place this Wednesday, August 22. Interview.

You are a candidate councilor for the Kinshasa commune of Barumbu. Why this choice when any “good Congolese” would have targeted the provincial assembly or the national deputation?

Indeed, I am a municipal councilor candidate with a view to being mayor of this municipality. The vote will take place on December 20. And this at the same time as the Presidential, legislative and provincial elections.

Leading a municipality at a time when members of the national “elite” are attracted to juicy positions, doesn’t it risk making you look like a “deviant”?

I made several stays in our country, I had to observe the problems. It seems to me that we are on the wrong track by neglecting the communal entity in favor of the provincial or national assembly. Our fellow citizens are confronted with very serious existential problems on a daily basis. These problems are the responsibility of the local administration which is the commune.

In Belgium – the former colonial power – the municipality is considered the “first level of political democracy”. In addition to the management of civil status, the maintenance of order and the organization and financing of CPAS (Social assistance), this entity is in charge of the organization of primary education, the keeping of electoral lists, the collection of municipal tax, development and maintenance of municipal roads, etc. In each municipality, there is at least one hospital and medical centers. What about the DRC?

The municipality has “many” skills. For the most part, I can cite: the environment, the population, public lighting, roads of municipal interest, the construction of houses of culture and young people. The list of skills is longer than in Belgium.

About Belgium, here the municipality issues the identity card for both nationals and foreigners. The same is true of the passport. Without forgetting the driver’s license.

I will surprise you. The first municipal elections in our country date back to December 1957. The Congo was still a Belgian colony. Mobutu Sese Seko tried to organize some local elections in 1987. December 20, 2023 will mark the first consultations to elect municipal councillors. What happened between 1987 and 2023? Nothing. And yet when one consults the communal law, one notes that the governor of the City-Province of Kinshasa monopolized the attributions returning to the municipalities.

What about means of action?

The municipality is competent to collect taxes and collect what is called “decimal centime” when issuing administrative documents. I inform you that the ONIP (National Office of Population Identification) will issue the new national identity card in concert with the municipalities. The organic law which sets the prerogatives of the municipality has provided sources of funding. This is particularly the case for the real estate of the municipality.

If you were elected as mayor, what would be your top three priorities?

My first priority is people.

More concretely?

I’ll start with an overview. It is a question of knowing the exact number of the inhabitants of the commune. This information will allow me to identify the true expectations of citizens. I would also work to make the inventory of the roads.

Second priority?

As you know, the mayor does not lead the municipality alone. There is the College which takes the place of the executive and the municipal council which plays the role of “parliament”. Here the emphasis will be on the social. Namely health and education. Without forgetting mobility by regulating the circulation of motorcycles in particular. This is, for the moment, anarchic. We also need to put in place a better living environment for the development of our children and young people.

Third priority?

This is a subject that is particularly close to my heart. This is the erection of a House of Youth and Culture. I am convinced that real political power begins at the level of the commune. It seems to me difficult to reform the country without starting with the base: the commune. I urge the Congolese diaspora to put the expertise acquired at the service of the socio-economic take-off of the country. The diaspora could become a force.

Interview by Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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