“I am the priest I would have liked to meet” – time.news

by time news
from Chiara Maffioletti

A boom in ratings for the actor’s debut in the Rai 1 TV series, which has reached its 13th edition. Bernabei: “Raoul has a good light in his eyes and the public has noticed it”

If it is not a miracle, we are close to it. After that of the loaves and fishes, with the debut of Raoul Bova in

«Don Matteo»

it was the turn of the multiplication of the audience: the other evening they followed the successful fiction of Rai1 6,486,000 spectators, equal to 31.2% share. Numbers that are a rarity on today’s TV, but which for thirteen editions have accompanied the series which, until the other evening, had had Terence Hill as protagonist. The change at the top was, in fact, a gamble. But the bet – first of all by Luca Bernabei, CEO of Lux Vide – can be said to be successful. «We are very happy, the public could have said enough. Instead this result has arrived – explains Bernabei -. I strongly believe in the work we do. Behind Don Matteo there is a team with several of the best professionals in Europe. The secret is that of any important series: behind there is a format ».

To this is added «the intuition of having wanted Raoul Bova in the role of Don Massimo and the providence that he was interested. They are all pieces of a lego that have to fit together in a certain way to build something good. Raoul was at a right moment in his life: he is one who is asking himself the important questions, one who is questioning himself … otherwise you don’t have that good light in your eyes and the public notices it ” . However, Terence Hill declared that he would have liked to continue wearing Don Matteo’s cassock: «In reality he wanted to make a few films, one thing every now and then, and for us it became complicated because ours is a serial product. But it is not said that, although he has gone, he will never come back … ».

Meanwhile, who smiles for this success he is the new most loved don on TV. «I was perhaps the last to have seen these numbers … I received an avalanche of messages, phone calls, it was good. I was hoping for it but it was not taken for granted », admits Bova. Although it is not easy to fit into a series that has existed for over twenty years (the first episode aired in 2000, ndr), confesses that he has never entered «into the dynamic of“ they will accept me, they will not accept me ”. After all, with every project you can’t know if people will follow you. I concentrated on the character, arriving on this set with great love and great passion ». Today, however, he says he wants to “sincerely thank all those who saw the series the other night: even those who have never missed an episode in all these years have had the kindness to look before judging and not to be closed: it is a nice gesture and a good signal because the door does not open to everyone ».

It happened, he adds, “What also happened with the troupe, with Nino Frassica: it was right that they saw a job worthy of Don Matteo of the past years, that they saw that I put my heart and soul into the character ». And the hypothesis that it can interpret it for just as long as its predecessor? “By now we have all learned to make short-term plans. We are also preparing other projects with Lux, so the possibility of change remains. But if I think about the long seriality of this character, it doesn’t weigh on me. Indeed: it will be a joy to return to the set and interpret the priest I would have liked to meet: a friend, a wise person, but not pedantic, who does not quote the gospel at all costs but is close to you with his spirituality ».

April 30, 2022 (change April 30, 2022 | 07:05)

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