I asked Hack 4 Breath, innovation helps you breathe

by time news

Chiesi Italia and H-Farm together to help those who struggle to breathe

To develop innovative solutions to improve the lives of people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)fostering greater patient involvement and facilitating care by healthcare professionals: this is the challenge of “Chiesi Hack 4 Breath”the hackathon open to young digital talents, launched by Chiesi Italia, the Italian branch of the Chiesi Group, with the support of the H-FARM innovation platform.

The appeal is aimed at students, recent graduates and young professionals, dynamic, determined and team-oriented, with profiles related to service design, marketing, management engineering, healthcare and technology. Lhe marathon of ideas will be held on 29 and 30 April 2022 on the H-FARM Campus in Roncade (TV).

For all information on Chiesi Hack 4 Breath, and to participate in this new challenge, the dedicated website is available: www.chiesihack4breath.com

In Italy, COPD patients have reached a prevalence of 3.1% while asthmatic patients have a prevalence of 8% 1, considering an estimated population of almost 60 million residents (Istat data), this would indicate the presence of approximately 1.8 million COPD patients and 4.8 million asthma patients. COPD is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally2. Despite the epidemiological and health impact, diseases that ‘take your breath away’ can be treated effectively, but early diagnosis, the integration of different medical skills to improve the diagnostic-therapeutic path and greater adherence to the patient to inhalation therapy. And it is precisely with the aim of satisfying these needs that the challenges on which the participants of the “Chiesi Hack 4 Breath” hackathon will compete.

The young talents, divided into teams and supported by pulmonologists, will have the opportunity to test themselves to respond to the design challenges identified by Chiesi Italia: from the importance of improving the diagnostic-therapeutic approach to respiratory diseases, to the role of technology in the support of the patient and the doctor. Participants will also be able to discuss to refine their ideas with Chiesi mentors who will make available their skills in the respiratory area.

The projects will be evaluated by a jury of experts who will select the winner.

“We are excited to launch this project, a concrete action that reconfirms our commitment as a leading company in the respiratory field, centered on patients and oriented towards the search for innovative solutions to respond to specific problems that affect millions of affected Italians every day. from chronic respiratory diseases, with benefits also for the doctors who treat them and for the health service – says Raffaello Innocenti, CEO of Chiesi Italia. In line with the values ​​of a B Corp certified company, we aim to involve young talents and create growth opportunities for digital innovators, offering them our respiratory skills to promote the development of brilliant ideas and transform them into concrete solutions to improve their people’s health and quality of life “.

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