“I bring Stalin and Churchill, Hitler and Mussolini back to life” – time.news

by time news
from Giuseppina Manin

Fairytale, from 71-year-old master of Russian cinema, in competition at the Locarno Film Festival (3-13 August). «In the twentieth century the most frightening tragedies of humanity took place. This is why I wanted to gather the people responsible for the destiny of Europe in a sort of Dante’s afterlife “

Stretched out in the coffin, his mustachioed face on a cushion of carnations, Stalin is immersed in the eternal sleep. But then a moan escapes his lips: “My boots hurt …”. And half closing his eyes he continues: “I’m not dead, I will never die“. It starts like this, with one terrifying resurrection, «Fairytale»
by Aleksandr Sokurov, 71-year-old master of Russian cinema, Golden Lion for a «Faust» visionary. Always disliked the power
Sokurov dedicated one to power trilogy, «Moloch», «Taurus», «Il Sole«, targets Hitler, Lenin, Hirohito. Indictment which now continues with this new one Fableon 6 August in competition at Locarno Film Festival.

You bring back four protagonists of the last century: Stalin and Churchill, Hitler and Mussolini. Is it the black fable of history?

“In every fairy tale there is always an element of terror, because each fairy tale hides the truth. In the 1900s the most frightening tragedies of humanity took place. This is why I wanted to gather in a sort of Dante’s afterlife those responsible for the destiny of Europe, of the world, of so many massacres ».

The surprise is that it is not actors who impersonate them but themselves. We see them moving, talking … How did he manage to perform this magic?

“One of the powers of cinema is to revive the dead! The images, the voices of the four are still among us, enclosed in tapes and films. Archives are the caves of memory, the digital has opened it up. So my “heroes” don’t act, they live. You can trust what they say, their way of gesturing, their expressions. They are themselves! As for the background, I drew it from Italian artists. Piranesi and many others ».

How much was Dante by your side on this journey?

“Dante came to me and offered me his help. For years I have been thinking about a film about “The divine Comedy”. Is my dream. But is there still room for great ideas? ».

His father was a soldier. What did he say about a war that cost Russia 25 million dead?

“My father was picked up to go to war by a Ukrainian rural community at the age of 17, along with his father and brother. He repeated to me: the war was the suffering of the entire people because it was known that a large part of Europe was with the Nazis. It was strange, frightening, painful. And to those millions of deaths we must add the deaths of the Stalinist repressions ».

What was the use of that awful lesson in the light of the war with Ukraine?

“Very little. It is amazing how unpopular the effort for peaceful coexistence is today. As democratic as it may be, a pacifist country no longer seems to exist. Today it is the peoples themselves who demand their leaders to fight. Militarist cinema, which has instilled the cult of force, is also partly to blame.

How heavy is the current cultural discrimination?

“We will suffer greatly: the culture of the Old World is a single indivisible circulatory system. Russia was and remains the sister of the great European culture, whatever politicians do. The contribution of Russian artists to music, literature, science and cinema is enormous and indelible. Unfortunately, for a long time the people have entered into a pact with power, it has fully transferred the right to dispose of their freedom and conscience. And in this the Orthodox Church undoubtedly has its part ”.

But do Russian artists pander to power?

“Like everywhere: courtiers do it, free people work according to their own ideas and conscience.”

Is Putin really the new Stalin?

“Putin is a man of his time, he does not need comparisons, he has a dimension of his own”.

Did you ever get to talk to him?

“I have had many opportunities to express my point of view to Putin on the situation in Russia, on war and on peace. But what I said didn’t matter. People like me annoy them. ‘

What is it like for you to live in Russia today?

“It has always been difficult, both under the Communists and now. My friends often suggest that I leave the country. But my father fought against Nazism and so did my mother. Their graves are in Russia. My homeland is the Russian language. Russia doesn’t need me. But I need her ».

A month ago she was prevented from arriving in Milan for the Milanesiana. Will you be able to reach Locarno?

«It was very sad: I am tied to the Milanesiana and to Elisabetta Sgarbi. I’ll try to go to Locarno, it’s important for the film. It will be the world premiere, it could also be the last since Russia does not yet have the censorship clearance. Obtaining it will not be easy ».

July 31, 2022 (change July 31, 2022 | 21:02)

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