“I can even hear the sound of my pupils rolling” The ear disease that Choi Dong-seok suffers from

by times news cr

2024-07-24 15:56:45

TV Chosun ‘Now Alone’ Galmuri

Choi Dong-seok, a former announcer and broadcaster, revealed that he suffers from an ear disease called supracircular canal syndrome.

On the TV Chosun entertainment program ‘I’m Alone Now’ aired on the 23rd, Choi Dong-seok said, “My hearing isn’t that good. I feel like my hearing is getting worse.”

In the past, while Choi Dong-seok was reporting the news, he realized that he couldn’t hear the PD’s in-ear call, so he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with ‘superior semicircular canal arytenoid syndrome.’

Choi Dong-seok said, “When I chew food, the sound is as loud as a firecracker, so I can’t talk while eating, and sometimes I can’t communicate,” and “It’s not easy to chew when I’m having a conversation. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s uncomfortable.”

He said, “The sound from outside is not loud, but my voice sounds really loud,” and “I can hear my eyes rolling when I move them in a quiet room.” He also said that he felt dizzy and his eyes twitched, raising concerns.

Choi Dong-seok, who recently visited the hospital due to worsening symptoms, was diagnosed with mild hearing loss as his hearing on his left side was above normal levels. He was also advised by the doctor that he needed craniotomy, which involves opening the skull.

Regarding the supracircular canal arytenoid syndrome that Choi Dong-seok suffers from, Professor Koo Ja-won of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital explained on the medical channel ‘After the Rain’, “Supracircular canal arytenoid syndrome is a disease that was first reported to the academic world in 1998.” He added, “There are three semicircular canals, one in each of the left and right ears. The semicircular canals are supposed to be enclosed in solid bone, but there are holes in some of them.”

The most representative symptom of this disease is ‘auto-auditory tinnitus’, where the sound of one’s own voice rings loudly in the ears. In addition, ‘pulsatile tinnitus’, where one hears the sound of one’s heartbeat, and even the sound of one’s eyes rolling. One feels dizzy as if something is shaking when walking, and one also feels dizzy when one touches one’s ears.

Professor Koo said, “This is a situation where the hearing is so sensitive that one can hear all the sounds coming from one’s own body.” He continued, “The American doctor who first discovered this disease examined 1,000 donated ears and found that about 5 ears had sciatica. Also, about 14 ears, or 1.4%, were extremely thin. That shows that the frequency is high.”

Professor Koo advised that if you feel severe dizziness or hearing loss, you should visit a hospital and receive appropriate treatment, such as surgery.Reporter Jo Yu-kyung, Donga.com, [email protected]

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2024-07-24 15:56:45

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