“I can’t be on vacation while 50 people don’t know where they’re going to study”

by time news

2023-08-14 05:00:00

Celso Rodríguez, on Wednesday in Santiago, spends some time every day to send emails PACO RODRIGUEZ

Celso Rodríguez, vice-president of the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CIUG), is committed to a single list in Spain to access all careers

14 ago 2023 . Updated at 05:00 h.

Families from all over Spain, even if their children do not study at the University of Santiago, highlight the work of Celso Rodríguez (Cartelle, 1952), vice-president of the Inter-University Commission of Galicia and delegate of the chancellor of USC. He is a strong supporter of a single listing to enter public universities and avoid weeks of waiting for students of highly sought-after degrees, such as Medicine.

—The families emphasize the work of Galicia so that there is never a vacancy in Medicine.

— I intend in August, and even taking a little risk, to call the students in the places that may be available and so that they know where they are enrolled so that they don’t have to be looking for an apartment at the last minute. On October 15th we stop calling, but we do calculations so that even if there are cancellations there will never be any vacancies. We run the risk of staying with a few too many students, but this way students know they have a place much earlier. Now I have a commitment to enroll up to 450 people and we have 403 places, but I know that many will drop out. I write to them and even tell them how many they have in front of them.

— Why this effort to write in the middle of August, at ten or eleven at night?

—My way of being does not allow me to be on vacation while there are forty or fifty people who do not know where they are going to study. I have always argued that universities should not close registration in August, we could be waiting for some people on call, but I do not want to break the consensus, so even if registration closes until September 1, I answer the mails.

The odyssey of getting a place in a medical school: “There are real dramas, it’s a life without living”

Elisa Alvarez

—The families propose to make a single list for Medicine throughout Spain, to avoid all these problems.

—I think that in the case of Medicine and in the case of everything, autonomy is not lost by having an application that extends throughout Spain.

—But other degrees do not have these complications.

—Everything is connected. When the Medicine list is moved, other grades are moved. I invited three Nursing and one Dentistry students who will leave four vacancies, for example. That is why we invite more students than places, so that they know as soon as possible where they can study. What are we left with a few more students? It could be, but that means you don’t have to be looking for a place to live in September.

—The grades of the EBAU are not the same in all communities. In Andalucia they tend to be high and in Galicia not so much, but as the cut-off grade for Medicine is lower here, say the families who take the places. Are the Galicians in inferior conditions with the open district?

— I’m going to say something that is politically incorrect at best. The number of medical students we have in Galicia per population is proportional, but there are 403 places and that means we have a lower cut-off mark than if we had 50. It may also be that in other communities it is somewhat easier to EBAU, and then there are autonomies that weigh more subjects to enter Medicine, and this results in a greater number of students with high grades in the south.

In the first person: the Kafkaesque system to access Medicine that has all those involved in suspense

MC Cherry

– So it’s true.

— I don’t deny it, but I also insist that with 403 places the cut-off mark is logically lower. I can confirm that it is not true that there are many Portuguese in Medicine, as was said before, but there are many Andalusians.

— It would be good then a single listing for all races.

– Sure. We in Galicia use the same application and do not have transfer. It could be done at state level and be finished in one day, in Portugal access is done in one day. Before starting more complicated discussions such as the unique EBAU which has many nuances, because here the Galician subjects would have to be examined equally and part of the content depends on the community, I would start with a single application.

– Do you get many thanks from the families?

—In recent days I have received quite a few emails of thanks, I had never received them before.

Filed in: USC University Selectividad

#vacation #people #dont #theyre #study

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