“I can’t imagine losing the place in National”: Rolland Courbis keeps hope for FC Sète

by time news

FC Sète remains in the waiting room. This Friday, the Hérault club had a crucial meeting before the CNOSF (French National Olympic and Sports Committee) to seek the opinion of the conciliators in the case between Sète and the DNCG, the financial policeman of football.

Twice, the body administratively downgraded the 15th National, sportingly maintained, to National 2.

In the event of a favorable opinion from the CNOSF, the Executive Committee of the FFF, like what it did for the Girondins de Bordeaux, could reintegrate FC Sète in National before the start of the season, scheduled for 12 august. While waiting for the decision expected on Monday morning, Rolland Courbis, adviser to Sète, confides his hopes.

How was your appearance before the CNOSF?

Rolland Courbis. It’s 50-50. But our hope is that the conciliator of the CNOSF understands that if the DNCG is not happy with the year of FC Sète, it is normal but not to the point of demoting them. I do not imagine for a moment that Mrs. Christine Maugüé (Editor’s note: conciliator) can be influenced by the DNCG. That she realized that the season was complicated for Sète, yes. A sanction, a fine, a withdrawal point, yes. But not to the point of losing our place in National.

What have you changed in the file between the passage before the DNCG appeal at the end of July and today before the CNOSF?

We have proven everything. From A to Z. FC Sète does not have a euro in debt with anyone. There is not a single risk of bankruptcy. Several sponsors are waiting to join the club if we are put back in National… I have already inquired with certain people from the Comex of the FFF. With a favorable opinion from the CNOSF, as we hope, it would be logical for the Comex to reinstate us.

But the season starts in a week…

We are not asking for the demotion of Bastia Borgo. There have already been seasons at 19 clubs in National in recent years as for AS Cannes or Strasbourg. That’s what we’re asking. We are in a season of restructuring at all levels, we can have a season with 19 clubs in National with an exemption each day.

So you still have hope?

It’s no longer a demotion, it’s a punishment. I have been in Sète for four months. Over the last two months, everything has been rehabilitated, explained to the DNCG. There has been a change in status, there is no debt… I cannot imagine a lawyer as competent as Mrs. Christine Maugüé can be not understanding that the sanction is too severe and undeserved for FC Sète .

If we compare FC Sète with a driver on the highway, well at times, he exceeded 110 km / h, there was a whistle from the gendarmerie, we get a ticket but we don’t worry sting the car. It is incomprehensibly harsh.

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