by time news

2023-08-24 16:03:16

I remember as if it were today the day I left my corner and left for the world. While that bus kicked up the dust on the road, I could still see my mother with her look of distress for her departing son, but who looked at me firmly so that I would never lack courage. She knew I needed to move on and I knew she couldn’t let her down.

The Capital at that time was different, romantic, although hectic (at least for me). Of course, the strays already lived around here and that was what made me most anxious: losing the little I had to someone else. But then I remembered my mother and her faith, and again I turned fear into courage. I chose to believe. Believing that God would spare me from any harm through the faith of my lady mother and my own.

Well then.

I now choose to believe in Internacional. Believing that past days of anguish and affliction no longer need to populate the Colorado fan’s mind. That, yes, it is possible to be champion and also stop thinking bad things about the national championship. That things will fall into place and the team will also enter a tide of luck and competence in the Tupiniquim event.

I chose to believe, behold, we Colorados also have the right to dream. We have the right to win. Believing that happiness is there, just a few games away…

On one of my many journeys in life, I remember when I took the proficiency test to enter the office. It wasn’t quite a public tender at the time, but it was like an embryo of the thing. There were two stages: theory and practice. When the result of the first part came out, I had two questions left to move on; I was quite disappointed. It got worse when a few days later I ran into two of my “competitors” in a bookstore, who were already “counting” on the stability of their position.

Then I remembered the promise I made to myself not to let my mother down. I drafted an appeal, as I was sure of myself that I had got the minimum number of questions right and the correction was wrong. And I was right. I also remembered my mother’s faith in Our Lady of Caravaggio and entered the first church I saw, asking for her intercession for me. And nothing beats true faith: reviewing the correction by the organizers, I still had a question of advantage.

I went to the second stage and passed with flying colors; from there, more than three decades of services were rendered to the department. And the detail: the advantage counters didn’t pass the second phase, they stayed along the way.

At this moment, the International of the first phase (the one of distrust) has already passed. We know that we can believe in the title. The Inter team has already proved that, if they want to, they win the games they play, and that’s why I know that in Brazil we’ll soon be making a dash towards the top. That is, now we need to move on to the second phase, the one in which we won by proving that we deserve it. And how we deserve it!

In the meantime, what remains for us Colorados is to believe and have faith. If it didn’t fail me at that time when it was my duty not to disappoint my lady mother, it won’t fail either now when I need to show my children and grandchildren the reason for having made them Colorados.

I chose to believe: may Our Lady of Caravaggio pray for us and for Sport Club Internacional!

Yes, we will be…


– Eduardo Coudet was happy on his journey and when he has been, our victories make history. If you align your convictions well with reality, the top awaits us;

– How good it is to win the way it was and to shut up today’s slackers…;

– I know it was an exception game, altitude and everything. But we have to correct our defense in the air. To yesterday;

– The goalkeeper has already paid for himself and is making us a profit. And Prince Aranguiz also finally showed what he came for. Johnny has been playing football;

– Gabriel Mercado is another game with a closed mouth; what a quarterback. Renê did well too. Still, we’re missing one more left-back, at least. You can’t risk it;

– I repeat once more: we now need to line up in the national championship;

“One more battle. And we continue with the illusion of going all out. Always remember, the illusion of going all out, of playing for the people we love… let’s play for them, for our dear people…”Coudet, Male;

– Of illusion we understand well, The thing. And we choose to believe and deceive ourselves along with you…


How about believing and fooling yourself along with us, Colorado People?

Today is my Bê’s birthday, little big Colorado! Congratulations, Be!



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