“I did not get carried away by the industry that I knew”

by time news

2023-08-12 06:51:12

A Maria she does not need surnames for Spain and Latin America to recognize her. Next to Marta Botia believe She dances Alone in 1996, a phenomenon that fitted together the necessary pieces to be a hit like nobody else: two extremely empowered girls, a handful of catchiest pop songs, five million LPs sold and an apocalyptic breakup. After releasing three albums, the duo decided to separate surrounded by rumors based on an alleged bad personal relationship. They never denied it, which made them a legend in those early 2000s.

Marta took advantage of the pull to make her solo debut with Deliver. Instead, Marilia preferred take some time to reconnect with the root that today he recovers in his third post-group foray: Dance with Me. The 12 years that she spent without stepping on the tables helped her find her true path, one in which love is the only language and in which experience has the last word.

‘Dance with me’ is the third solo album by Marilia, one of the founders of Ella Baila Sola. Alba Vigaray

How good it has been for him to return to the origin.

Dance with Me it exists, precisely, thanks to what I have lived up to now. When I started composing it, I wanted to share my truth. That is why it is so attached to my origins. When you connect with the essential, the superfluous is not necessary. We deserve to celebrate life: no matter how many ups and downs we find along the way, we must not forget to enjoy.

Has this vision been given to you by the years?

A part, yes. Time has allowed me to know myself more. For me, music has always been the most authentic way of expression: through it I show nuances that speaking I could not. I feel that, today, it is more vitalist because I am too. I have had to look for myself, understand myself, accept myself and forgive myself to connect with my childhood self: that girl who dreamed of writing songs is very present.

How much does it cost to launch a project as an independent artist?

Very much. The happiness that sharing my compositions with others produces in me has been key, otherwise I would not have been able to overcome the obstacles. Gratitude has helped me to address them. In my dragon I’m talking about that inner strength that we sometimes forget we have and that, at the same time, is what holds us during storms. I feel more than ever the affection of the people. And the only way I have to return it is by making melodies that accompany them during moments of doubt.

Which letter best represents your current moment?

Depends on the day. We are waiting, for example, talks about unconditional love. The curious thing about it is that I started writing it thinking about my nephews. However, afterwards, I realized that she was talking about any relationship. It is a good trip wish to someone you love.

At 20 years old, did you imagine yourself like this?

I am the same, although evolved. From very early on I wanted to do things authentically, from the heart. In fact, I didn’t get carried away by the industry that I knew then. This conviction is what has helped me to trust myself and be proud of what I do.

In 2017, he edited Infinite, an album where she recovered some classics from Ella Baila Sola and showed them almost naked. Why remove so many layers?

I gave myself the freedom to do what I felt. The songs are never finished, you can keep spinning constantly. Nowadays, when I play them, I approach them from another angle. The person and the essence remain, but the moment does not. And this one had to reflect it.

Marilia is the author of such memorable songs as ‘Amores de barra’, ‘Mujer florero’ and ‘Cuando los sapos bailen flamenco’. Alba Vigaray

rescued Survivor y Of course you need to talk. What did they have to keep sounding so current?

I discovered that their essence was precious and that I could review them with another tempo. Today the message sounds different, something else arrives. Above all, I like to explore live. That is where I discover phrases that, depending on the format, gain new meanings.

Among his first solo songbook, Climb a mountain (2012), and the last one by Ella Baila Sola, Martha and Marilia (2000), 12 seasons passed. Was a break that big considered?

Not at all. We live very fast: overnight, we sold millions of copies and traveled the world. All with 20 years and when your friends are still studying. We decided to stop because the creative cycle had reached a limit. I needed it, I had to take care of what I love. If I kept going by sheer inertia, I ran the risk of not giving my best. It is true that there is a risk of leaving and that, when you return, no one will remember you… In my case, I am grateful for the public’s response. That impasse helped me reconnect. The industry continues to pay too much attention to numbers, to the detriment of the human. I knew I would return, but first I had to find my path. And I did it just when I started composing again. It is being a wonderful stage because I have been able to experience things that were not within my reach at the beginning. Music is such a sacred way of expression that I would not want to do it without the respect and love it deserves.

What did you do during this absence?

I started issues that didn’t go ahead. Some I even recorded and produced for a hypothetical record. Although I continued to develop my creative side in the shadows, I needed to share it.

Why didn’t these projects see the light of day?

For different reasons, although most of the time it has been for not having everything tied up well. If I’m not 100% sure about something, I’d rather not go any further. At all times I have done the best I could. And you have to accept that everything comes when it belongs.

On your return, did anyone let you down?

When you wait a lot, you can be disappointed. The truth is that, on the crest of the wave, I had quite a few people around me. But, when it calmed down, a large part disappeared. I don’t want to complain about this because it happens in any profession. And because, in addition, it allows you not to waste time. And that, deep down, is lucky. Sometimes it’s worse to be on the lookout for something that isn’t going to get you anywhere. In that sense, you have to be brave to accept it: once you do, an inner force emerges and shows you the true path.

In this LP there is a lapidary cut: I started laughing. She says: “I almost settled for what others expected of me.”

I wrote it at a time when I almost sent everything to take asparagus. It is a dialogue that I have openly with what I had lived. I recorded it for those who were going through something similar. Giving up is not easy because you need to drink water. There is something in us that makes us feel in constant movement. We have to allow ourselves any emotion.

After 12 years without publishing new material, Marilia returned to music in 2012 with ‘Subir una montaña’. Alba Vigaray

Do you remember the first time you heard one of your songs on the radio?

Yes, we were driving. We stop to listen to it and jump on the road. It was incredible. The funny thing is that, during the last promotion, they put We are waiting and i felt the same. She looked like a little girl: goosebumps, glassy eyes.

Ella Baila Sola’s debut sold a million copies in a matter of weeks. How did her life change?

Human beings are capable of adapting to changes with some ease. And especially the good. I lived it with joy. Being something big, I tried to manage it the best I could. And, for that, my loved ones could not be missing. I enjoyed what came. It was a beautiful stage. Even though I missed all the family events, I never stopped taking care of the connection. When something of such dimensions happens, awareness comes with time. No one prepares you to sell such a large number of records, but also to handle the feelings that this generates.

Did they lose innocence, illusion or youth because of fame?

I do not know I do not think so. That success gives you happiness is a fantasy. It helped me value everything even more. Wherever we are, we are important. That makes sense to continue here.

In woman vase, Do not do it again, bar loves, we draw lots, Better without you…they launched quite advanced feminist messages for the time in which they were conceived.

We are still under construction. So, we reflect what many women felt at home. We only collected them in a letter, but not being aware of the flag. The most beautiful thing was the number of people who connected with it. woman vase, for example, has aged well. I never composed it to the detriment of those girls who want to be. Simply, she expresses something that was in the air. We still have to do to achieve equality. We are getting better.

There is a historical legend that has been chasing them since its inception: did they go out for drinks with U2 after some awards?

We coincided with them in Madrid, but it has happened to us with many other bands. There was closeness.

During the recording of the third discoIt was commented that the relationship with Marta had suffered wear and tear. And that the situation reached such a point that the cover photos were taken separately. True or false?

The creative cycle depends on the human and in any relationship, whether professional or personal, you rethink things. We decided to stop because we did not see the way to channel the creative. We did the best we could, with the tools we had. Perhaps this would have happened to us at another time and we would have made another decision. In the specific case of the images you mention, they were taken in a beautiful apartment in Madrid. They asked us to pose together and separately. When you take photos of a group there is always someone who comes out worse than another. And they wanted us both to come out as best as possible. It was a working method like any other.

In 2021, Marilia celebrated the 25th anniversary of Ella Baila Sola’s debut with a reunion tour with Marta Botía. Alba Vigaray

Did no one try to stop the breakup?

I probably don’t remember now. It is also true that they have never told me that I had to dress or sing in one way or another. Those around us understood our decision: if there was no continuity, they couldn’t do anything else. Likewise, it is necessary to know that the industry is designed to exploit to the maximum something that works. And the human part is not so cared for in environments that move a lot of money. That is what I want to take care of, what really matters. Fortunately, we can choose where to be.

In 2021, he met up with Marta to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his first album. How did he live it?

We wanted to thank everyone for how lucky we were to make songs that have later accompanied so many people. It was nice to live it from today. And a way of giving thanks for what, at 20 years old, had happened so quickly. I was able to contribute my experience. Connecting with my beginnings has reinforced my desire to continue sharing.

Will they see each other again on stage?

I am open to life. You can’t plan so much… We’ll see. If we’ve made it this far, we have to celebrate.

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