“I didn’t believe everything they told me about her”: this is what led a couple from the north to the rabbinate

by time news

A couple from the north of the country met six years ago, when the man went to “Korat Bekafe” for counseling and asked her to predict the future for him. The “medium” managed to amaze the man who did not stop visiting her and along the way began to court her. A year after the first visit, the two became a couple and a year later got married in an impressive ceremony.

The husband, through lawyers Sherin and Moran Solan, revealed that even before they got married, even when they were a couple of friends, his friends warned him that his partner was a “witch”. “I was told to be careful of her. That she makes ‘millions’ from her work but that doesn’t mean I’ll have a good life with a witch.” According to him, the words were said in jest but accompanied him throughout their friendship.

Attorney Sharin Solan (seated) (Photo: YH”C)

Attorney Sharin Solan (seated) (Photo: YH”C)

Recently, surprisingly, the wife is the one who asked for a divorce, and the husband was left stunned by the reason for the divorce – and even more so he has difficulty understanding “why she remembered only now”. His wife claims that in the video footage of the canopy ceremony, the husband goes under the canopy with his left foot and according to her this is the reason she is unable to get pregnant despite all the attempts.

The husband explained to the lawyer Solan that he met his wife when she was 39 years old. “We got married two years later and she is currently 45 years old. We have been trying for years to conceive and have not been successful, but the doctors said that I have no problem. Therefore, to justify the reason by saying that I went under the canopy with my left foot as an excuse Divorce is absolutely unthinkable. They told me I was marrying a witch, but they didn’t tell me I was marrying a madwoman,” he concluded.

Attorney Solan explained to the husband that he would have a hard time dealing with such a claim, and that it does not meet any reasonable standards as a reason for divorce. At the same time, if he presents the required documents that the fertility problems are not his, he will be entitled to adequate compensation for the years he spent on his wife’s behalf, He assisted her in business development.

The couple was sent on the recommendation of Attorney Solan to settle the dispute. “The claim of entering under the canopy with the left foot has no halakhic support and is clear to all, because in the event of a divorce the husband can claim high compensation for mental anguish,” stated the attorney.

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