“I don’t see him as a monster”, explains the half-sister of Nordahl Lelandais

by time news

At the Assize Court of Isère

“I did kill Maëlys… I didn’t want to. “On the first day of his trial before the Assize Court of Isère, where he appears for the murder of the girl, Nordahl Lelandais admitted his responsibility and promised to” explain the facts during the hearing “. Trembling voice, flailing hands, the accused lays low profile at this time. “I apologize to Araujo’s family,” he blurted out to those close to the child. Sitting in the front row, Maëlys’ mother hugs a portrait of her daughter to her heart. Colleen, the big sister, wraps her arms around him.

“How could a beloved son kill a little girl? asks Alain Jakubowicz, the defendant’s lawyer, during this first day of trial devoted to the personality of Nordahl Lelandais. The debates, which ended at 8 p.m., did not however provide an answer. Because the kid, described as “very calm” by those close to him, lived a “smooth” childhood, one of the most normal. No domestic violence. At home, education is “based on politeness and respect for values”. Maybe he was a little too pampered by his mother? “No more, no less than other mothers”, defends Christiane Lelandais. Her “kid”, yes, she “loved him as much as her brothers and sisters”. And she “still loves him”, she underlines.

“I don’t see him as a monster”

Admittedly, his school career was somewhat chaotic. But no “violent behavior”, she adds. Nor summons to the teaching teams. Just difficulties to find his way, to finish a course started. Same at work. Sick leave followed one another over the interim assignments, once the army left. “But it’s not a shame to work as a temporary worker”, answers the mother, questioned about the possible lack of investment of her offspring in what he undertakes.

“But how do you explain, Madam, that your son finds himself twice before an assize court for murder? insists Jacques Dallest, the equally curious general counsel. “I am unable to answer you. I don’t know”, sighs the interested party, almost stunned. And to put forward a hypothesis: “Alcohol and drugs, I do not see anything else. Cooked in turn, Alexandra, the half-sister of the accused, is also struggling to find an explanation. His addiction problems, she had vaguely heard about. “It seemed amazing to me, so I didn’t give it too much credit,” she seems apologetic. “I love my brother, despite points that I hate about him, she agrees to say. I don’t think he was manipulating us. I don’t see him as a monster, he has become fully aware of his actions. »

What tipping point?

“It’s up to him to explain himself. Not mine, ”ends up letting go of Christiane Lelandais. Valérie Blain, president of the court, took the opportunity to question the accused. “What do you have to tell us?” Long silence. “What is the tipping point? “, she insists. Opposite, the former soldier, surprised, is looking for his words. “If, at the end of 2016, there was one… I was a wanderer, I was fed up, I was trying to do things, nothing worked, I broke my neck every time” he replies, eventually blaming it on one of his former girlfriends. “She had a hold on me”, he begins to tell, without realizing the doubtful pouts of the civil parties.

Debates will resume on Tuesday at 9 a.m. The verdict is expected on February 18. Nordahl Lelandais faces life imprisonment.

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