“I don’t think I should give an opinion” on the renewal of Morena’s national leadership, warns Claudia Sheinbaum

by times news cr

2024-07-12 19:37:43

The virtual president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum She considered that she should not give her opinion on the renewal of the national leadership of his party because it is already a matter of the militancy.

“I don’t think I should give my opinion anymore, we are in a different situation now, it is a matter of militancy,” he said.

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The future president of Mexico stressed that while in the AT and in the PAN They are dividing, in Morena They have unity. “We have a lot of unity and that is very good.”

He stressed that “there is plurality and there is discussion; that it was good that there was plurinominal this… how good that there is this discussion because it shows that Morena is always alive, also respecting those who participate in the discussion.”

In the morning, the current Morena national president, Mario Delgado He met with Sheinbaum Pardo and declared that he would consult with the future president about the replacement in the National Executive Committee of Morena.

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In response to this, Dr. Sheinbaum said that she will attend the National Assembly of his party, but he will not participate as an active member. “Morena would invite me for a little while, but obviously I would not participate in the vote, nor in my opinion of who should lead Morena.”

And he explained that the question that Mario Delgado had to ask him had to do with the times. “We have to discuss the time I think it’s also because of him, right? At what point does he leave the leadership and dedicate himself full time to the process of transition of the Secretary of Public Education. So I think that’s why he said, well, he’s going to ask me more or less in what time frame.”


2024-07-12 19:37:43

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