“I experienced something crazy”, Anthony Barrier looks back on the feat he achieved with Astonishing in the Elitloppet

by time news

By winning the Elitloppet with Amazing, Sunday in Solvalla (Sweden), Anthony Barrier signed his seventh victory at Group I level and his 1,403rd success. The 36-year-old driver experienced one of the greatest moments of his career and is gradually forging a solid track record in France and across Europe. Welcomed by his daughters for his return home, Anthony Barrier returned cold to this feat, he who became the fifteenth French driver to shine in this Swedish group I.

Twenty-four hours after your success, have you come back down to earth?

Anthony Barrier. Gradually (laughs). I’ve been through something crazy! It’s funny… It’s not ordinary to win this event. There was pressure. We were the only French people at the start with Amazing and Richard (Westerink). I had a whole country on my shoulders. The closer the race got, the more I thought about it.

“During the recovery of the horse, I cried with joy”

How did you experience this incredible final?

In action, I didn’t have time to tremble when the horse made the mistake. I was lucky not to have anyone on my outside. I pulled apart and managed to get him back in the right gait. Don’t ask me how (laughs). Then, it was necessary to go there and I attacked to make speak its hardness. In the final turn, I lost time behind an opponent who took me out. I don’t know how my horse managed not to gallop. Ditto mid-straight when he hesitated. It was just my day. And then I realized that I had won. I had a big adrenaline rush and during the recovery of the horse I cried with joy.

Is this the greatest success of your career?

When I won the Prix de Cornulier (in 2011 with Olga du Biwetz), it was a pretty crazy moment. I had my family who was there. And at that time, there were still a lot of people in the stands. This Elitloppet, it was incredible with the atmosphere and the public. I was also surrounded by my friends and relatives. Honestly, I can’t say which one is the best.

Amazing impressed all observers. After this new Group I success, do you still set goals with him?

After the race, I was told that we were the first to win this competition by galloping. This further enhances its performance. Last year, we missed out on the Prix d’Amérique while Face Time Bourbon was absent. We are not going to lie to each other. Now we dream of America with Amazing.

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