“I fear a cold civil war” Alain Houpert, senator

by time news

To evoke the last year that has passed since the speech of the President of the Republic of July 12, 2021, during which Emmanuel Macron announced the establishment of the health pass and the obligation of vaccination against Covid-19 for the nursing staff, we received in this “Essential interview” Alain Houpert, doctor and senator from Côte-d’Or (LR). A year later, he draws up a vitriolic assessment of the management of the health crisis: “All their scientific assertions have turned out to be false”, insists the senator, who already warns of the consequences of such a failure: ” It will be difficult to restore centuries-old scientific credibility [qui existait] in France. »

Are we risking a new July 12 with new health restrictions? For Alain Houpert, the appointment of François Braun, “emergency physician disavowed by his peers”, as Minister of Health is “a strong sign”. “He is someone who is strongly for the health pass and for mass vaccination”, underlines the politician who deplores “a backward step”: “It shows the inability of the head of government not to recover in question “.

In addition, the politician wonders about the reasons which motivate the government of Emmanuel Macron to maintain the “defense secret” around the decisions adopted during the Covid-19 crisis. An absurd decision, according to him: “In general, the secret defense is when there is an enemy. However, the virus cannot be considered an enemy, as it is not a foreign intelligence”. Also, he draws his conclusions from it: “There are things to hide”. And to denounce: “This government wants to maintain the state of emergency in order to be able to govern in an authoritarian manner. »

Recalling the remarks made by the current Head of State during his last five-year term – “People who succeed and people who are nothing” or “Let them come get me” -, relying moreover on the disapproval of the French people expressed towards the government through the result of the legislative elections, Alain Houpert is worried about the consequences that could induce a lack of awareness on the part of the government: “I fear a cold civil war”, he points out keep.

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