“I give voice and heart to Dolores Prato”

by time news

“I was surprised by Dolores Prato’s prose, which, after so many years, was able to convey images of her childhood in such a vivid and precise way that it became astonishing”. This is what Monica Guerritore (photo) says, who at 9:15 pm today will give voice, in the Treia theatre, to the most intense passages of the new edition of “Giù la piazza non c’è nessuno”, published by Quodlibet, to which the writer entrusted her autobiography. “I read – says Guerritore – with extreme pleasure this edition and I was struck because those pages give the sensation of watching a film with very vivid colours, of touching with your own hands the interactions between the characters, it seems that the imagination has not conveyed anything. The images are clear and precise”.

Guerritore, have you already had the opportunity to meet this author for whom Treia has long been proposing a series of celebrations?

“Her name was familiar to me. I have frequented poetesses and women who had troubled lives and whose artistic qualities were not immediately grasped. I knew Dolores Prato but not in such a deep and vivid way as emerges from this book.”

Treia is in the background of that novel, what idea did you get of this town?

“These are pages about family, its rituals, relationships. I am very curious and my work takes me to many cities and towns, I miss Treia and I am happy to come here”.

What does a text or script have to have for you to feel it is yours and embrace it?

“In this case it’s a reading and not a text to be staged. I said yes after reading Prato’s novel because I was captured from the first pages. I don’t hold back if there’s the possibility of bringing these strong voices to life, after all it’s our mission as actresses”.

From writer Dolores Prato to Anna Magnani, when will filming begin on the movie about the great actress?

“Films are blocked because they do not receive the funding they need for production. This situation is impoverishing our cinema and I will be forced to ask the public for support through a fundraiser.”

What is special about this film of yours?

“I tell the story of Magnani on the night she won the Oscar, a day that was supposed to be splendid turns out to be cold and painful because after that worldwide recognition she was put aside. She won when it was no longer fashionable, when people from the street were brought onto the set and someone like her had become cumbersome. So she returned to the theater, but shortly after she got sick and Rossellini stayed by her side until the end”.

Going back to the previous discussion, this is another case of a woman whose talents have not been fully recognized.

“The phrase “A woman does not die if somewhere else, another woman, takes her breath” by Tunisian Helene Cixous comes to mind. I give body, heart and strength to Dolores Prato and Anna Magnani”.

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