“I go to my partner’s house to leave him, and our story changes”

by time news

2023-10-28 10:00:09

“I was 24 when I moved to Paris. It’s summer 2014, and I have just signed my first permanent contract, like many of my friends who are also heading to the capital. Paris, for the young single gay man that I am, carries with it the promise of a great party. A joyful madness, where you can meet whoever you want. I installed a dating app on my smartphone. I have no desire to be in a relationship. I want fleeting, light stories.

The first boy I met after moving in was Federico [les prénoms ont été modifiés]. I made it clear to him, on the app, that I’m not looking for anything other than a good time. From our first meeting, however, I felt good. I am by nature rather reserved and shy, but with him, everything is simple, everything is fluid. God knows, however, that this is not often the case with these apps! We decide to meet again.

The weeks pass, first weekend together, first sweet words, he meets my friends, I meet his. The couple is settling down, and I’m actually excited to uninstall my dating app. We’ve been together for four months. At Christmas, I tell my parents about him. After the New Year, I made an appointment with my doctor and asked for two HIV testing prescriptions, one for each, with the idea of ​​going without condoms – we had been very careful until then.

I thought we could go take the test together. But Federico works night shifts, and it’s complicated. Finally, I go alone, quite quickly, and I put her prescription on the fireplace, in her little maid’s room, where we always meet. When I read the negative result, I send him a short SMS with “happy” emojis and I don’t think about it anymore – for me, it’s a formality. During the following weeks, I asked him from time to time if he had time to do it, but I know that his schedules are restrictive, and I do not take offense.

“The holiday test failed”

Summer is comming. In June, I’m taking him to see my family. It’s the first time I’ve introduced them to a boy – even though they already knew I was gay. I’m a little apprehensive. I have four sisters-in-law and, with them, my father has always remained very formal – he still sees them after years. The meeting actually went really well. My father is adorable with Federico, very comfortable. He speaks to him immediately.

When summer came, we both decided to go on vacation for the first time, to the mountains. This week is a fiasco. We never agree on what we want to do. I remember a hike that was too long for him, fatigue got on our nerves. Communication between us is not smooth. I took condoms in the suitcase – since he still hasn’t taken the test – but we don’t have sex. Nothing works. The tension is growing.

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#partners #house #leave #story

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