“I had 5 operations, I had no nose”

by time news

Edelfa Chiara Masciotta remembers the dynamics of that brutal accident in 2019: “I was crossing on the pedestrian crossing and a car hit me head-on. I had to go through five operations, I found myself without a nose but beauty cannot just be the body.”

Edelfa Chiara Masciotta was Miss Italy 2005 and has had many lives to this day. She was a dancer and then a Miss, then an actress, interior designer. Her profession for her life which also led her to interesting projects in the world of optics. Then the very bad accident in 2019: “I was crossing on the pedestrian crossing in Corso Matteotti. A car hit me head on. […] I had to go through five operations, I found myself without a nose.”

The revelation of Edelfa Chiara Masciotta

During the interview given to Corriere Torino, Edelfa Chiara Masciotta talks about the dynamics of that brutal accident:

It was November, a rainy evening. I had recently left the IED and was crossing on the pedestrian crossing in Corso Matteotti. A car hit me head on. It was very traumatic and I still carry the scars of it today. […] I owe a lot to two doctors, I define them as my guardian angels, the otolaryngologist Libero Tubino and the plastic surgeon Andrea Margara. I had to go through five operations, I found myself without a nose. Full of scars on my face that kept producing cysts. But I don’t want to complain, I’m here and I’m talking about it. I’m also going deaf in one ear, again as a result of the impact. But I don’t feel like doing another operation right now.

“Beauty cannot just be the body”

A symbolic woman who has found and fully exploited all the opportunities for rebirth that life has given her. For this reason, she very simply confesses in the interview that she has come to understand that ‘beauty cannot just be the body’.

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Beauty cannot just be the body. Beauty is meeting beautiful people, reading interesting books, becoming attached…obviously aesthetic beauty has its value and I cannot deny that I have had moments of failure. I wasn’t ready to have to live with those marks on my face all my life. The doctors were good. Even though many are still there. Then we resort to some tricks, a longer fringe, a tuft….

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