“I had a stroke and feared for my life. Please stop smoking»- time.news

by time news
Of Simona Marchetti

Interviewed by the New York Times, the Oscar winner for best non-original screenplay of «The Social Network» said he was ill last November and shared the news hoping to be of help to others

For years, Aaron Sorkin smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, but he was convinced nothing would ever happen to him. Then, in November of last year, just as he was writing his first musical, «Camelot», the great scare that blew up all his (false) certainties: the Academy Award for best non-original screenplay for « The Social Network» in fact suffered a stroke, caused by blood pressure so high that his doctor was sure he was going to die. However, 61-year-old Sorkin managed to survive, although for a month he had trouble articulating words and moving his hands, so much so that he was unable to write his name or use the computer.

«More than anything else it was an alarm bell – the writer said in an interview with the New York Times – . I thought that I was one of those people who could eat whatever I wanted, smoke as much as I wanted, and that I would never have any consequences. How wrong I was! There was a moment when I feared I wouldn’t be able to write anymore and, thinking about the present, that I wouldn’t be able to continue writing Camelot». Writer of cult series such as “West Wind – All the President’s Men” and “The Newsroom”, Sorkin was keen to point out that he has now recovered (“I want to be very, very clear. I’m fine. I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I’m not I can work. I’m fine») and that the only problem that persists concerns the difficulty in distinguishing flavours.

However, the bad experience he had had led him to give up smoking and it is for this reason that he decided to make the story of the stroke public, so that other people would also be encouraged to follow his example. “If I can get even one person to quit smoking, then I’ll have helped,” he concluded.

March 23, 2023 (change March 23, 2023 | 19:03)

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