“I have always wanted to help women”

by time news

2023-05-07 06:01:12

Born in 1926, Professor Etienne-Emile Baulieu is a pioneer in hormonal research and the inventor of the abortion pill RU 486, used worldwide by tens of millions of women and which several American states are trying to ban. Member of the Academy of Sciences, in France and in the United States, crowned with numerous prizes, this doctor-researcher, always attentive to the cause of women, continues to go every day to his laboratory in Kremlin-Bicêtre (Val-de-France). -Marne), with an intact thirst for discovery.

I wouldn’t have come here if…

If I were not the son of a remarkable doctor, Léon Blum, an Alsatian Jew born under the German occupation, well before the war of 14-18, and of an independent and feminist woman, Thérèse Lion, lawyer and marvelous pianist, who spoke perfect English, had frequented the suffragettes in London, before devoting himself to the education of his children. To tell the truth, I didn’t know my father very well, since he died in 1930, when I was 3 years old.

So I was brought up in an exclusively feminine environment (mother, grandmother, sisters) in which I felt very good, because I deeply love women. I have always wanted to support them and help them. But the reputation of my father, a man of science and humanist, also obliged me. I wanted to be worthy of this family. Work, science, country were venerated there. They disdained the thirst for personal enrichment and honors. I would say I was brought up well.

Your father was a doctor and you chose medicine. It can’t be a coincidence…

Yet I had this impression because after the war, a good student but undecided about my future, I simply followed a comrade who had made this choice to medical school. But what do we know about the unconscious springs? My mother did not want me to become a doctor. As if it were a profession… deadly! She had only been married four years to my father and attributed his sudden death to her profession.

Read also the portrait (2007): Etienne-Emile Baulieu, gentleman “long life”

He was a great kidney specialist, one of the very first to use insulin to treat diabetes. He was brave. Mobilized in the German army in 1914, he had invented an incredible stratagem to inform the Allies: under the pretext of following the evolution of their case, he asked the German officers he was caring for to send him a sample of their urine every week. ! Thanks to La Poste stamps, he was able to reconstruct the movements of their regiments and transmit them to the French and British services.

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