“I have more interesting things to do”…. Under pressure, LR kicks into touch

by time news

In the National Assembly,

We looked in every corner, but you had to be lucky to see an elected Les Républicains, this Monday, at the Assembly. The national representation however debated and then rejected at the start of the evening the motions of censure tabled by the Nupes and the RN on the 2023 budget, after the use by the government of article 49.3. A few minutes before the start of the session, the deputy MoDem Erwan Balanant was ironic in front of the journalists on the discretion of the elected officials of the right. “It will be interesting to know if we will see Republicans in the Hemicycle, because since the beginning of the mandate, they have disappeared…”

“There is no question of adding chaos to chaos”

When the ecologist Cyrielle Chatelain launched hostilities, at 4 p.m., almost all of the LR seats were empty. Only a handful of elected officials surround the group’s boss, Olivier Marleix, who is due to speak in a few minutes. But where has the right gone? Isn’t she interested in the exchanges, which promise to be electric? ” Oh no ! And I’m not in Paris ”, replies by text message one of them, remained, like many of his colleagues, in the constituency. “It doesn’t interest me at all, I have much more interesting things to do…”, adds another. The line to follow, for this Monday, had already been decided a long time ago. And confirmed, Sunday, in a forum at JDD titled The reform yes, the mess no! : 53 LR and related deputies announced their refusal to vote for the motions of censure tabled by Nupes and RN.

A position defended in the morning by several elected members of the group. “There is no question of adding chaos to chaos, by mixing our voices with two motions, very opposed to each other”, slipped us the deputy LR of the Channel, Philippe Gosselin. “We are opposed to the government’s budget, which worsens deficits and makes no structural reforms. But creating disorder is not in our DNA”, abounded Eric Pauget. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes recognized however that this line of opposition was “not necessarily perceptible by the general public”.

Marine Le Pen puts pressure on LR

Especially since at the podium, this afternoon, Marine Le Pen presses where it hurts. As a fine tactician, the elected representative of Hénin-Beaumont surprises everyone by announcing that the 89 RN deputies will finally vote for the motion of censure tabled by the left. The pressure is now on the shoulders of the right alone: ​​if the government does not fall on Monday, it will be its fault. Olivier Marleix tries somehow to defend the position of his group, a bit more provided during his speech. But the president of the LR deputies is manhandled by the left and the right of the Hemicycle: “We will not vote for a motion of censure. We would bring down the government, but what would that lead to? “, he asks. “This would result in replacing the Borne 2 government with a Borne 3 government, then with a Borne 4 government. […] No use for the French”. He threatens: “But we will not hesitate to file one ourselves if the situation requires it”.

Olivier Marleix pretends to forget an essential fact: Emmanuel Macron has hinted that he was ready to dissolve the National Assembly in the event of a vote of a motion of censure. So, by not supporting these two texts, does the right fear institutional “chaos” or a return to the polls? “They are scared because they know that in the event of new legislation, they would lose seats”, squeaks an RN deputy. We would have asked the question to an elected LR after the debates, but the right was still nowhere to be found…

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