“I have no doubt that one day Ofir Haim will coach BS”

by time news

It seems that Hapoel Beer Sheva has gone through everything this season. Running to the top of the Premier League alongside unimpressive football, loss of momentum, a crash that ended in the dismissal of Roni Levy and is now flourishing again. Just before the Reds meet Maccabi Haifa for a huge battle that may affect the fate of the championship, she said Alona Barkat In a special interview in “Five in the Air” about the group’s situation and also provided a very interesting announcement regarding the future.

Barkat was asked about the youth team’s qualification for the Euros, led by Ofir Haim and declared: “This is the place to congratulate him, it is a great achievement. He was a great player with us and I have no doubt that one day Ofir Haim will coach Hapoel B’Shlosha.”

The latest wave of terrorism has caused quite a bit of division in Israeli football as well, with Arab footballers being criticized for not condemning the attacks. However, Hapoel Beer Sheva received quite a few condemnations of the issue and Barkat, of course, commented on this: “BS is blessed with true coexistence, we have wonderful players. And there is no difference between religions. “

Regarding the posts posted by her actors on social media, Barkat said: “They posted messages about themselves. What they wrote moved me as an Israeli and as a person. They did it because it is their need as Israelis.”

“People need to do what they feel. Why look at it from the sector? There is terrorism happening here that harms society, they respond as human beings. I reacted as a human being. The pain is the pain of us all. We all hurt and pray for better days. Everyone will do what he can So that we can return to the days of unity and peace. “

After the dismissal of Roni Levy, there are those who claimed that Barkat is a serial fired. “It was not fair. If you look at what has happened in the past and data, we have had the fewest number of coaches. We are the most stable in terms of the status of the coach,” my husband claimed. .

On the appointment of Aliniv Barda instead of Roni Levy, Barkat said: “When I turned to Barda I told him we did not want to think too much. I asked him to take the appointment until the end of the season, we will not go on adventures too much. He knows the players, he chose them and believes in them. “The system and I told him that this transition would be the most correct and easy. Both for the players and the system. I do not think it is right for him to talk about his future.”

And what about the possibility that Breda will continue as coach? “Alinib’s decision, he needs his own time. We will sit together, we will make a decision. I do not want to stress him. We have a good and healthy relationship, if he thinks he can and wants, these things will work out on their own. He took on this task. I “I don’t think I should burden him. I thank him for that. The season will end, we will sit together and make a decision. What we think together is right. Melixon also enlisted for the mission in Order 8. He and Barda could say no. They do it with full diligence for the team’s success.”

Regarding the decision to separate from Roni Levy, Barkat said: “BS decided to separate even though we were in second place because we felt that the club was stuck, that we were not progressing. That energy is not where it should be. It was easiest to leave it like that. I went for a decision that was much harder for me, but I made it because I thought it was the right one for our club. ”

“This is one of the hardest decisions I have made. I have a lot of respect for Roni, he has brought us this far. He has taught us. Anyone who has been in a management position, saying goodbye to a person you value is not that easy,” Barkat added. “This is the decision I made and I agree with it. We believed that Breda could lead and do something that we lacked: brilliance, energy, passion. As for results? No one has a guarantee of results.”

About Gustavo MarmentiniWho has not really played since arriving at Hapoel Hadera due to injuries: “We do not have the patience and time to know if a player was successful or not. Failure is a harsh word and we are very quick to judge here. “.

About Barak Bachar: “He is an exceptional coach. He deserves his ambition for the wonderful things he has done with us and I have no doubt that he will have his hand in everything he chooses. I only deal with the WC and do not know what is going on in Haifa and prefer it to stay that way.”

And in the next round, Beer Sheva will meet Maccabi Haifa in a game that can decide the fate of the championship, and Barkat said: “We have an outstanding playoff, every game is very important and it is as important as every game. Everyone who knows me knows that I get excited about every game. “Owner and engaged in sports is excited and wants to succeed. This is the sport we are engaged in. This game is no different from any other game. I am alert. I believed we would reach this stage in the season to play for the championship. We have built a team with talented players just for these moments.”

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