“I have three jobs to pay my tenant’s mortgage”

by time news

2023-05-17 07:11:02

More than 1,500 days, that is the long time that Yolanda has been trying to recover her home. Mother of three children, moonlighting and resident in Madrid, Yolanda is a victim of squatting. Her tenant stopped paying rent and to this day. Despite the judicial journey, the bureaucratic mess with the social services and her desperation, the inquiokupa continues in her home, where she lives without paying anything, while Yolanda has to deal with the mortgage. OKDIARIO has reached the squatted house and has been able to verify the hell that he has been living as a victim of a squatter for four years.

Just 10 minutes from the Atocha station, in the Madrid neighborhood of Low Villaverde, Yolanda decided to buy an apartment. He bought it in pesetas at a price above the value of the real estate market in the area and to pay for it he took a mortgage until 2032. It is a first floor, with a closed terrace, two bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen spread over just 52 meters squares. Nothing of a luxury house that Yolanda managed to pay risking to be autonomous with a lot of effort.

However, his family situation changed. Being the mother of three children made her move to a larger apartment and she decided to rent her apartment. It was then that Yolanda and her tenant Ana de ella signed a rental agreement to which this newspaper has had access. The rent stipulated therein is only 520 euros -a more than affordable price to rent a home in Madrid- but Ana refuses to pay. First there were her excuses that her tarot clients were not paying her, then the pandemic and finally, that it was impossible for her to pay the rent. However, the reports from the social services that OKDIARIO has reviewed reveal that she receives the Minimum Vital Income, that she is not vulnerable and that she is able to work.

But Using herself to pay for a roof, like the rest of the citizens, seems not to be an option for her. Ana has not contributed to Social Security for more than a decade. That is why the social services offered her a housing alternative that she rejected, since she could not move there with her cats. “She says that they are members of her family, that if I don’t care about her cats, she doesn’t care about my three children either,” Yolanda laments in an interview with OKDIARIO in which she explains that she needs the rent money to maintain her economy. familiar.

It is important to note that Yolanda herself is the one who is paying the mortgage, as well as the water and the community of the apartment she is squatting. While Yolanda has had no choice but to have three jobs at the same time to face the pufo of her inquiokupa, Ana remains in the house without hardly leaving the house. There also lives her partner Juan Carlos who is in charge of doing the shopping and answering the phone. They both live without paying a euro to Yolanda who has tried everything to get her house back. In addition, the landlady assures this newspaper that the inquiokupa is being advised by politicians from Unidas Podemos and Más Madrid to be able to continue squatting.

All this situation has led Yolanda to join the Platform for those affected by the Occupation that brings together owners who are victims of this hell. Together they are trying to make visible the situation they are experiencing and are demanding an anti-squatter law that protects them as owners. “They are using us as a social shield”laments Yolanda in a conversation with this newspaper in which she also wonders why she should give her house to someone else while she has to support a large family.

After more than four years of hell, the judicial journey that Yolanda is involved in to recover her house seems to be on its last legs. There is a final sentence ordering Ana to leave the house and the reports from social services make it clear that she is not a vulnerable person. Likewise, Yolanda herself has nothing to do with the big forks, the vulture funds or the houses owned by the banks that numerous squatters resort to to justify the trespassing of her home. For all these reasons, as soon as the judge sets an eviction date, Ana will have to leave the house. “They are criminals”ditch Yolanda who, despite having spent four years fighting to recover the house that she paid for with her effort, does not throw in the towel.

#jobs #pay #tenants #mortgage

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