«I investigate to discover myself»- time.news

by time news
Of Laura Zangarini

The leading actor alongside Maya Sansa of the TV series from February 28 on Rai1

A little girl, Leila, disappears with her adoptive father. She picks up the plot from here
«Six Women – The Mystery of Leia»the series written by Ivan Cotroneo and Monica Rametta, directed by Vincenzo Marra, from February 28 on Rai1
. In the cast of the fiction, alongside the protagonist Maya Sansa in the role of a magistrate from Taranto Anna Conti, there is Alessio Vassallo39, an inspector who will be instrumental in resolving the case.

Who is his character?

«I play Inspector Emanuele Liotta, who has recently arrived at the prosecutor’s office. The initial relationship with the inspector played by Maya Sansa is decidedly stormy. After the initial distrust, however, Liotta manages to find the key to get in tune with her, giving life to a deep, unexpected human relationship. Which will help them put the pieces of themselves back together. Compared to other crime thrillers, this series does not only deal with the investigation to find the culprit. The real investigations are those of the characters about their lives. Emanuele Liotta is gay, but the topic of homosexuality is treated normally. I still see a widespread lack of sentimental education, I think it’s important to get the message across that it doesn’t matter who you love, it matters come ami».

What do you think of the kiss in Sanremo between Rosa Chemical and Fedez?

“It was a striking gesture. And instrumental. In my opinion the best way to convey a message is normalization. Which is not that of social networks, which instead contribute to losing the sense of the story, everyone talks only about themselves. And when we talk only about ourselves, it means that there is little to tell. It’s like carrying a mirror in your pocket to reflect yourself 24 hours a day”.

The Imperia Public Prosecutor’s Office closed the case: “The crime does not exist”.

“Civil society is even ahead of the political class that represents it. And in any case in Sanremo I found Chiara Francini’s message on motherhood more interesting. She posed a reflection ».

She said she was interested in stories. Is this why we still find her conducting “L’altro Novecento”, the Rai Cultura program dedicated to the literature of the last century?

«The last great writer we talked about was Dino Buzzati, whom I love madly. The program also offers the possibility of meeting Italian authors less exposed to the spotlight. Like Giuseppe Berto who, in “Il male obscura” had the courage to speak of a disease, depression, in an apparently happy era. “The other twentieth century” is the possibility of finding another narration of Italy».

Where does this passion for “storytelling” come from?

«I owe everything to a meeting with a professor, Paolo Giuran, whom I met while attending the Silvio D’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Arts. He made me fall in love with poetry and fiction, making me understand how important the narrative writing of the novel is for an actor. In the screenplay or script, you only read what the protagonist says. In the novel he also reads what he thinks. On Sundays I went to his house, he also devoted himself to sculpture, I was twenty, he worked, I spent the afternoon listening to him, he opened up a world to me. The first poem he taught me to recite, very difficult, was “Valigie” by Marino Moretti (and he recites the verses by heart, ed). He told a bit of my story, a boy who leaves for the cities of fog without a fixed destination, like me from Palermo to Rome. He ignited a visceral passion in me, and he gave me a shield to defend myself from this profession. A profession where many nos are collected. But I have no regrets or recriminations. I am happy”.

Goals to achieve?

«Nobody, setting goals in this profession, by its nature without rules, is unrealistic. If anything, I hope to be able to continue to trace the narrative in my artistic path».

Future projects?

«We are preparing a theater debut, an important adaptation by Pietrangelo Buttafuoco of Berto’s “Male obscure”, directed by Giuseppe Dipasquale, who directed me last year in “The telephone concession”. For TV, however, I have recently finished filming “The winning thrust”, on the fencer Paolo Pizzo (twice world champion in individual epee in 2011 and 2017, Olympic silver in team in Rio 2016, ed), a film directed by Nicola Campiotti and produced by Gloria Giorgianni, and for the cinema “Stelle binarie”, directed by Gianluca Maria Tavarelli, with Barbara Giordano and the participation of Kim Rossi Stuart».

February 25, 2023 (change February 25, 2023 | 00:16)

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