“I never had the will to mutilate”, the difficult exercise of contrition by dentist Lionel Guedj

by time news

It was for Lionel Guedj the last straight line, the last opportunity to express himself, to show a little compassion towards the 300 victims constituted as civil parties, all former patients of the Marseille dentist accused of dental mutilation. A month after the opening of this river trial, after several weeks of hearings from the various victims who presented their ordeal at the bar, the floor was given to the defendant who, so far, has shown himself to be particularly aggressive, not questioning himself only a few times.

On this Thursday morning, at the helm, Lionel Guedj first shows another face. The former dentist burst into tears while reading a sheet, claiming to have taken a “slap” in the face of the testimony of the civil parties. “I am sincerely sorry to have appeared in the eyes of certain arrogant, haughty people, launches Lionel Guedj. I’m terribly stressed. I died of shame, of fear. I sincerely apologize to the patients. I am deeply touched by the moral and physical suffering that I was able to impose. I have always done it with the aim of relieving my patients. I never meant to hurt anyone. I never had the will to mutilate. I totally lost my footing due to my inexperience, and the fact of wanting to manage all my patients on my own. »

A “gear”

“Yes, I screwed up”, says the dentist, saying he is caught in a “gear”. “I let myself be carried away by the request of the patients, and I responded favorably to their request. The better the firm was doing, the more people we had coming in and saying, “I want the same smile you gave my cousin.” »

The investigation was able to show that Lionel Guedj received up to 70 patients a day, at a frantic pace, botching the job and thus causing serious complications in his patients. And this, without the dentist ever questioning his practices. “Compared to the volume of the firm’s turnover, I saw [les personnes présentant des complications] like a drop of water”, recognizes Lionel Guedj.

“Hasn’t the patient become a client? »

“But didn’t the patient at some point become a client? asks the president of the court Céline Ballérini. The annual turnover of the dentist, with a huge lifestyle, was estimated at 2.6 million euros, for a departmental average of 180,000 euros. “I’ve never seen my patients as a wallet,” annoys Lionel Guedj.

And to affirm: “For me, I was really in the interest of the patient and not in the interest of hurting or injuring someone. But as the day passes, Lionel Guedj’s mea culpa becomes more nuanced… and the dentist more aggressive. The former practitioner even comes to question the veracity of the conclusions of the experts and the statements of the victims. “Are the sobs at this victim bar formatted? “, is indignant the public prosecutor Michel Sastre. “I think that some of the patient’s statements were dictated,” says Lionel Guedj. I’m not saying they made movies. The pain is there, that’s for sure. I think things have been added and elements have been dictated by other people. »

“You started this morning with a statement which, I admit, touched me, blows Me Gilles Martha, lawyer for the civil parties. I said to myself at one point that we had succeeded in making you right, taking advantage of this last day of contradictory debates to free you. I’m disappointed. I thought you could have empathy for patients. And I am sure of one thing. It’s that you don’t have any. »

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