“I paid 315,000 euros for a dream cruise, but I was kicked out because of a WhatsApp chat. I’m devastated”: Jenny Phenix’s outburst

by time news

It was supposed to be a dream trip, one of those that repay you for a life of work and sacrifices. And he made a lot of sacrifices Jenny Phenix, a divorced mother of two from Florida, to board the residential ship Villa Vie Odysseyeven paying 315 thousand euros. A significant sum but the voyage, at least on paper, was supposed to last three years and go around Europe, Asia and the Americas. But the dream was immediately shattered by the harsh reality. The ship had a series of technical problems and the entire crew, including the guests, were forced to stop in Belfast for three months for some necessary and urgent repairs.

The ship, in fact, as reported by the The TelegraphIt was stopped for four years during the pandemic. The certifications had expired and instead of renewing them with new checks, the ship left anyway”. Naturally, the three-month stoppage has caused some inconvenience to passengers, especially financial ones. Hence Jenny’s idea to share the discomfort through a WhatsApp chat shared with some “companions” in misfortune.. But something went wrong because some messages were forwarded to the ship’s captain who, in turn, forwarded them to the top management of the shipping company. Hence the immediate decision to kick Jenny off the ship.

“I don’t understand it was a private chat. I can’t even begin to explain the emotional devastation and toll this has had on me,” the woman said. It took weeks before I talked about what had happened to me and also explained it to my parents. children. It’s still very hard for me to talk about it, because I had the same dream as everyone else on that ship, and they took it away from me, without thinking. I’m going to have to stay with my daughter until I find a whole new plan for my life.”

No second thoughts from the ship’s top management who issued a note: “The residents voted and agreed to confirm her suspension and we intend to respect that decision. We have no further comment to make on the ongoing dispute”. According to what has leaked, it seems that about fifteen passengers have complained because they were affected by Jenny’s negativity.

Meanwhile, the company announced it would stop paying some guests’ monthly hotel bills of €450,000, saying the expense was becoming “unsustainable.” after spending more than 1,800,000 euros in 3 months. So those who remained on land, until the ship leaves again, will be given a voucher of 180 euros per day.

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