«I recite the lives of others, to be able to escape from my own»- time.news

by time news
Of Emily Costantini

The leading actress of the show La Signora del Tuesday by Massimo Carlotto, at Ambra Jovinelli from 15 to 26 February directed by Pierpaolo Sepe

A woman who is no longer very young, but still beautiful and charming, who pays a former porn actor to have sex, in a boarding house run by a transvestite. Giuliana De Sio faces a particular character: Nan, or Alfonsina Malacrida, in the show Tuesday lady, from the novel of the same name by Massimo Carlotto, which will debut on 15 February at the Teatro Ambra Jovinelli directed by Pierpaolo Sepe. With her on stage, Riccardo Festa (in the role of the porn actor gigol), Paolo Sassanelli (the transvestite Alfredo) and with Alessandro Haber in the role of Pietro Maria Belli, a disturbing crime reporter.

Nan a very unlucky – explains the actress – who has funny and at the same time dramatic implications. an authoritative woman in her own way, but she needs to pay to find love with a poor man who, a little younger than her, suffered a heart attack and, no longer able to shoot erotic films, was reduced to sell your body. A very run-down body: at each meeting, the two lovers have to wait for the little pill that he has to swallow to get an erection to take effect, but the longed-for event is always late in arriving. A story of humanity adrift. So adrift, that these sexual encounters are only the prelude to a tragedy, the one that emerges from the arrival of the elderly journalist: he claims to do an interview with Nan, shady, blackmailing, forces her to speak, to remember and to do reveal his terrible past. And their dialogue soon turns into a sort of psychodrama, with an unpredictable ending.

A text steeped in murky sensuality and cutting irony, which adds to De Sio’s long career, which began almost by accident at the age of 18 as the absolute protagonist, playing Sibilla Aleramo in the screenplay Una donna. I really didn’t think about being an actress: in those years I was on the run from a complicated family situation. It was Alessandro (Haber), whom I had met and admired as a spectator at the theater and who had fallen in love with me, who convinced me: she saw me right for the screen. Then an important theatrical encounter with Giorgio Strehler, who chose her for the show Libero by Renato Sarti: Giorgio wanted me at all costs in the role of a young drug-addicted prostitute who sold her own child to buy drugs. Friends and colleagues had discouraged me from accepting, telling me that the great director was a flogger of the actors. Instead he was very affectionate with me: at the time I had red hair and, perhaps, I was part of his catchment area, being an admirer of red-haired women… Jokes aside, Strehler was charismatic, he made you feel precious .

A difficult family, that of Giuliana: the father leaves home early and the mother, feeling abandoned, consoles herself with alcohol. Yes, but I feel like a “Neapolitan Swiss”. I am a workaholic, hyper precise, always punctual and obsessive at work. A neurosis or professional ethics? Acting has helped me a lot: entering the lives of the characters a way to escape from one’s own life, a therapy. However, if I look back, I see all the mistakes I’ve made: I don’t want to appear melodramatic, but I should have created emotional stability, had children, and not just taken refuge in work. Instead I became an actress. Just this year, on February 19, Massimo Troisi would have turned 70: I don’t want to be rhetorical, he didn’t like set phrases and would have giggled. I always see him as handsome, perhaps with graying hair and who knows how much he would have refined his humor, how far he could have gone, but I don’t know if he would have become wise.

February 6, 2023 (change February 6, 2023 | 08:10)

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