I resorted to mental health consultants… and felt very wronged

by time news

Between tragedy and comedy, the characters she presents during the Ramadan season vary, for the first time she has two works with different characters, the first is Egyptian and the second is Kuwaiti. In the first, she defends women and presents issues that serve them, and in the second work, I discovered for the first time that she is a comedian. It is the star Rogina, who sat with psychiatrists because of her new series “Aberration”, especially since the character she presents exhausted her psychologically and nervously, and she also presents the first Kuwaiti comedy work through the series “Kid Al Harem”, in which he competed in the Gulf drama, at the request of an audience During her interview with Al Arabiya.net, she reveals the reasons for her concern and the idea of ​​absolute heroism.

* For the first time, you are participating in a Kuwaiti TV drama.. Tell us about the experience

** Indeed, I am going through my first experience in Kuwaiti drama during the Ramadan season through the series “Kid Al Harem”, which is a new and different experience, and I was pleased that the work would record my return to comedy after an absence, as I contracted it a long time ago and producer Adel Al Yahya convinced me to work, after He sent me the text that provoked me, so I decided to go through the experiment, and in fact I was also pleased with the good reactions to the work as a whole and to my role as well.

Actress Regina

*Tell us about the character that you present in “Kidal Harem”?

** I embody the character of “Sumaya” and she combines many contradictions, good and calm, and at times crazy, she knows how to get her right easily, whenever someone close to her tries to set her up, she escapes and gets out of any conspiracy with the best gain, to the point that she becomes a millionaire within a period brief. I was a bit apprehensive about work, but as soon as I read the text, I got excited, especially that “Sumaya” has a full life in Kuwait, a husband, a family and a daughter, so the character is part of the formation of Kuwaiti society and is not an intrusion into it, and when her husband dies after a period of marriage, Her lover appears and proposes to marry her, after waiting for her for several years in order to fulfill the dream of being married to her. From here, comic events and situations explode, as many try to cause Somaya to get into several problems and crises, but she succeeds in turning the tables on all those who hate her, and she emerges as the winner in the end.

* Was that the first visit to Kuwait at the time of filming the work?

** This is not my first visit to Kuwait, I have been honored here before, so I have all the love and appreciation for Kuwait, but the difference in my visit this year is that I work and photograph, so I take any opportunity to go out and go to public places and meet the Kuwaiti public.

Who doesn't have a series?

From the TV series “Kid Al Harem”

* The idea of ​​presenting two works in one season, what motivated you for that idea?

** The great difference between the two works and the diversity of the roles. The series “Kid Al-Harem” is completely different from the “Deviation” series. It is an enjoyable and delicious experience, through which I return to present the comic character that I have not presented for decades. My comedic experiences are very scarce. Perhaps I remember the series “Diary of a Contemporary Husband” with the artist Ashraf Abdel Baqi. I loved the “Harem Kid” experience, and found myself a good comedian.

As for the character “Hoor” in the series “Aberration”, one of the most difficult characters she has played, she says words that carry many meanings in her culture and what she went through. This is what reaches the audience because the personality has dimensions that the public is still discovering with the episodes, and I mentioned the internal and external details of the personality, but its psychological dimensions were difficult, because it appears on it and does not disclose it in its words, which made me resort to consultants in the field of mental health to find out the aspects of the personality, understand it and analyze it Her character, especially that she is a psychiatrist, but she fails to treat herself and enters the world of crime of her own free will.

Actress Regina

Actress Regina

* At a time when the Kuwaiti audience laughs at your role in “Kid Al Harem” .. in Cairo, there are demands to stop the series “Deviation”?

** I was amazed at the quick reaction and the demand to stop the work, from one of the representatives, and even submitting an interrogation to stop the series, and what pissed me off is the early ruling. This means that the efforts of people who have been working for a long time are being thrown on the ground. I, author Mustafa Shehayeb and director Raouf Abdel Aziz have been studying this scenario since last July, and I, as Rogina, throughout my life, have seen that art is the mirror of society, and that we are the forces that influence, and therefore I felt a very great injustice to the series and to a work of art. Important.

* But the series led the trend and achieved strong views and reactions?

** Which made me happy, for the reactions were good, and the truth is, I was afraid at the beginning of the series of not succeeding, but thank God the series was respected by the followers, and the reason is because the work discusses the deviation of behavior, and what this deviation will lead to in the rest of the events, as it is derived from stories And real facts that women lived in the courts, and his message is to support women, and urge them to resist all the problems and circumstances of life.



* What is the reason for presenting a series that provokes all these crises?

** The work, as I said, deals with real issues from the Egyptian case files, and comes into contact with the Egyptian woman and the crises she faces, and I am always concerned with the idea of ​​the Egyptian girl, her life and her issues in all aspects of life, her steadfastness, her personality, and her sometimes suffering, through a suspenseful drama full of ambiguity about a deviation A number of characters about human nature collide with a psychiatrist who introduces her character, and she decides to adjust the course in her own way.

* You are playing the absolute championship for the second time in the Egyptian drama.. Did that increase your responsibility?

** I hate the word “absolute heroism”, because I suffered because of it from many people who were against me, and therefore I do not like it. I was an actress who was chosen for roles, whether I accept or reject them because in the end I have to work and accept the best thing that is offered to me. Now I choose a case and I want to discuss it, and this is a lot of fun, but I do not see advantages in the tournament other than that, as I discovered through it the love that I reaped throughout my artistic career, with the support of big stars such as Samiha Ayoub and Abdel Aziz Makhyoun, they are educated and believe in my talent. In this series, all the work team stood by me and did not feel tired from entering the filming late, and this is my harvest that I am proud of, far from what is called.

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