I think about my wife Brunella all the time. It was a lifelong love

by time news

Renato Pozzetto wrote an autobiography, which he told to Corriere della Sera. The actor remembers the moments of his career on TV, alongside his inseparable Cochi, his debut at the cinema and also the nostalgia for his beloved wife Brunella.

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In his autobiography, The throat kills more than the scarf, Renato Pozzetto talks about his life, without leaving out any details. From childhood, to the partnership with Cochi, passing through the story of his love for his wife Brunella: “It was like listening to something another person tell me for the first time. I smiled, I got excited, I rediscovered something that had been lost in my memory. And I tried to be honest in describing the precious stories of my life.” he says in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

The partnership with Cochi

Renato Pozzetto’s career would be difficult to encapsulate in just a few moments. The artistic partnership with his lifelong friend Aurelio Ponzoni, better known as “Cochi”, with whom he had created a musical duo, whose performances made TV history. To Corriere, Pozzetto says: “Someone said that Cochi and Renato’s lyrics were funny shit. Instead they were expressions of a chosen, precise point of view.” As they said, the two were friends even before recognizing each other as artists:

Our parents had known each other for a long time. We understood each other, they understood each other, they made us laugh at the same things since we were children. We listened to popular songs, protest songs and our first performances were born in the wake of those music and those lyrics.

Pozzetto from television to cinema

There have been many meetings in the years in which he has been on television, from those with Enzo Jannacci, who became a key figure in the formation of Cochi and Renato, but other names have been part of the long list of characters he has met over the years. For example, Pozzetto talks about Raffaella Carrà’s reticence, that she was not fully convinced of the way the duo performed:

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La Carrà did not know and could not understand our language. So the idea came up of participating via connection from a cellar, which was actually a separate studio. The song “E la vita, la vita” as the ending theme. It immediately became very popular

Then, for Pozzetto, the doors of the cinema opened and from there his life changed once again. Initially he wasn’t convinced he wanted to accept, then he convinced himself to say yes and became one of the most loved faces of Italian comedy of the Seventies and Eighties:

When the proposal arrived I didn’t know what to do because we had always worked as a couple. I confessed to Cochi. It was welcoming. If you want to make this movie, go ahead. Our Jesus Christ, Jannacci, also read the script. Answer: to me it’s crazy bullshit. I replied to him with a phrase from one of his songs, Prete Liprando: “And I’ll do it anyway!”. Shortly thereafter they also asked Cochi to star in a major film, Heart of a Dog, based on Bulgakov’s novel. So I felt at ease towards my life and work partner. “The country boy” is the most loved by the public. A producer friend told me that he was seen by millions and millions of people, stuff that would go to your head

The love for his wife Brunella

In his autobiography, then, he could not miss the meeting with his wife Brunella, the person who still today he considers to be the most important in his life and whom he deeply misses:

She was the person I fell in love with and it was a lifelong love. She raised our children, Giacomo and Francesca, sacrificing herself, dedicating patience and hope to me too. Having a sense of humor, she laughed while we rehearsed our lyrics at home. I think about her all the time. And sometimes I think I could have done better, given her more.

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