«I used to get quite nervous when I worked with Juan Echanove»

by time news

2023-04-19 00:32:10

After playing the relentless Freddy in the successful ‘Living without permission’, actor Edgar Vittorino (Barranquilla, Colombia, 34 years old) joins the artistic team for the second season of ‘Desaparecidos. The Serie’. In fiction, he plays Rubén Ramallo, a young man with a Spanish mother and a Colombian father who has lived between the two countries, and who will have several run-ins with inspector Sonia Ledesma (played by actress Michelle Calvó), while maintaining a close relationship with a drug gang.

In the new installment of the series, which Telecinco broadcasts tonight at 11:00 p.m., the accidental discovery of charred bones of a woman in a van abandoned in a scrapyard sheds new light on an old disappearance case being investigated by the team led by Chief Inspector Santiago Abad (Juan Echanove).

-How has this fictional series welcomed you in what is its second season?

-Personally, it was very easy to enter with them because they were all totally willing to welcome me. The most difficult thing was, perhaps, to catch the rhythm of shooting that they had. The team had already been together for a season and you could tell that the actors had very well built characters, with a rhythm that was still difficult for me in the first weeks. Little by little I was getting into that rhythm of work, but the truth is that I got quite nervous when working with Juan Echanove.

-What did you think when you were offered to interpret the character of Rubén Ramallo?

-What I liked the most about this character, from the first moment, was that possibility that he had of transformation. Today we are seeing that in many men and Ramallo is one of them. He is rethinking his way of being a man. This role is also helping me personally, to open up to another way of being, in which to be more empathetic, sensitive and free. And that is seen in the series, because Ramallo comes from a drug unit, where there are agents, so to speak, stronger and tougher. In the disappeared unit he has to learn to treat people differently.

-Have you had the opportunity to reflect on what you would be able to do if you suffer a disappearance as dramatic as those seen in the series?

-It is a question that if you ask yourself it generates a deep fear. What would happen if your brother or grandfather disappeared? It’s a horrible feeling. When there is a homicide, you find the dead person, a bullet or a knife, but with disappearances you find nothing. There is no clue. That is the ghost scene of the series. The cops have to start from scratch to find the person. It is a much more difficult task that sometimes requires even more time than there is. I believe that I would not be able to sleep or rest if something like this happened to me.

«If Spanish fiction has been so successful internationally with its series, it is because they are very well written»

-In Spain we have known you in series like ‘Living without permission’. On this occasion, he breaks with a completely different character profile from what we had seen before.

-That is something that I do not consider. When you play a ‘bad’ character, you have fun filming him because he has nothing to do with you. You have to play more with your imagination because they are things you would never do. Ramallo helped me change aspects of myself to a positive one.

-Telecinco is currently broadcasting the second season, but the third is already available on Prime Video. Will there be a fourth batch of chapters in the future?

-I don’t know if there is something for a next season. We finished recording the third, there was talk of the possibility of continuing, but it has stopped there. They haven’t told us anything. People should see it a lot on Telecinco, and later on Prime Video. On social networks they do write to me asking for a fourth season.

-How are Spanish fiction series viewed from outside our borders?

-I think that the Spanish series stand out for the scripts. They are very well written and that is what fellow actors or directors from other countries tell you. They are very well told stories. In Spain you have, for example, Álex Pina, who is a great star worldwide as a screenwriter. And I think that if Spanish fiction has been so successful in recent years internationally with its series, it is because they are very well written.

-Where would you like to direct your career as an actor? Would he like to stay in Spain?

-I like changes and challenges. I came from Colombia precisely for this reason, to discover other possibilities with other characters and to discover another way of working. In Spain I feel very comfortable, but I like to keep changing. I’m also going to do a daily comedy on TVE, called ‘4 stars’. That’s what I like, because an actor who always does the same thing is not an actor. I try to search and find new experiences that I can surprise the audience with when they see me.

#nervous #worked #Juan #Echanove

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