I walk alone | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-05-11 17:30:00

EDITORIAL – On May 8, 2023, state ridicule reached incredible heights, heights that we thought were inaccessible. Even if we had had some warning signs with the choice of certain members of the government: the breathtaking responses of Sibeth N’Daye, the overflowing passion of the Minister of the Economy for expansion to the point that he made a book, or even more so by the number of members of the government embroiled in conflict of interest or judicial cases, not to mention the coverage of Playboy from Schiappa.

We thought we had reached the climax with the arm of honor from the Keeper of the Seals to the national representation. Such a lack of respect which is matched only by that of the former Minister of Health Buzyn who decided not to go to the last two convocations of the Court of Justice of the Republic.

Last May 8, what could have pierced the mind of Emmanuel Macron? Is it acute paranoia, a superiority complex, visceral cowardice or an irrepressible need to be reassured and perpetually flattered?

Did Emmanuel 1er privatize the Champs-Élysées to avoid having to reassemble them under other pandemoniums, boos from a hostile people, and “Macron Resignation” more glaring than a referendum? It transformed into a desolation devoid of meaning and soul, a commemoration of the victory of the Allies over Nazi barbarism which until then had been a great moment of contemplation and popular jubilation.

This citizen rapprochement of all French people around republican values, a solemn communion in tribute to those who gave their lives for freedom.

This dear freedom of which we are more and more substantially deprived and in all areas, from a management of the Covid crisis which very clearly consisted more of a “war” waged against logic and common sense; against the interests of ordinary citizens, craftsmen, traders and SMEs; rather than a war against a virus whose true origin continues to be debated.

And the same for vaccine therapy. This quasi-forced injection proved to be on par with the action of a very real weapon of mass destruction. How ? It has greatly contributed via its corollary, the confinements (which finally made it possible to establish a blackmail on the All-vaccine, moreover exorbitant for public finances), to continue to put down the economic health of the little ones, the harmony and social cohesion.

This within the Nation as a human community and within families. These two entities are irremediably torn to have in their ranks pro-vaccines repeating official propaganda in chorus and stigmatized anti-vax, accused of all evils, accused of being selfish, irresponsible and dangerous.

Given the real risk, 100% obvious, of being jeered at by “this low people”, Emmanuel Macron preferred to wander in the Champs-Élysées empty of spectators on the entire course, a course whose contiguous and transverse axes were prohibited from access to onlookers. Worse ! According to the tweet posted by one of them, the inhabitants of the place, outright, were even forbidden to attend the passage of the President from their balcony:

But who did Emmanuel Macron find himself greeting as he walked up the saddest avenue in the world? The trees that border it. This is beyond comprehension!

Already with sound “If they want a manager, he is in front of you: let them come and get me”, he let go, since stashed in a fortress, an Élysée palace where he tripled (means and manpower) security, Emmanuel Macron had exceeded the inadmissible.

Reduced to the rank of simple jokes, the “Break off pov’ con!” and the “Come fight!”, this outrageous verbal filth for the presidential function, which Nicolas Sarkozy let go. And similarly to citizens who on these occasions had expressed their distress to him, with deference and in all legitimacy.

But on May 8, 2023 and this ghost commemoration, Emmanuel Macron pushed the envelope even further. Yes. There, it’s done. He who the day after his election, in 2017, said “I want to re-sacralize the presidential function”did he not succeed in totally stripping her of her respectability?

And results of the races, on Monday the lyrics of this song by Jean-Jacques Goldman whose title I used for this editorial (“I walk alone”) accompanied Emmanuel Macron during his Stations of the Cross:

“Like a boat drifts, aimless and without motive. I walk alone. Without witnesses, without anyone.
May my footsteps echo, I walk alone. Actor and voyeur…”
of his own shipwreck.

A shipwreck in which unfortunately he involves the 30 million French people who did not want him as president in 2022. Indeed, if Emmanuel Macron won against Marine Le Pen thanks to the votes of 18.5 million French people during this deadline, given that there are 48.7 million French people registered, it’s mathematical (48.7 minus 18.5): there were 30 million who did not want him at the Élysée in 2022.

Since the passage in force of its law on pension reform, the “MACRON RESIGNATION” resonate everywhere in France with every day more magnitude, both in intensity and in number. To ask if the bar is not so exceeded that if tomorrow a referendum on his eviction were organized, the “yes” would win with more than 80% of the votes.

There, yes, we could affirm with accuracy and authenticity that France is a true democracy. That the principle of the Republic has been respected:

“Government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

For what ? Because if as at present, because of the current electoral system, the people cannot dictate their will at the ballot box, the people are no longer masters of their destiny. Instead of being the sovereign, the people are the slaves of the politicians.

#walk #FranceEvening

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