“I was afraid the girls would be raped.” Journalist Mercedes Ninci suffered a violent robbery in her house in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Almagro

by times news cr

The journalist from Radio Miter Mercedes Ninci suffered a violent robbery in his house in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Almagro, where he was with his children Malena, Florencia, Lucas and Carolina, and with his nephew Marcos. After the incident, she shared a video of how her home was left: vandalized, and with her belongings mixed up and thrown on the floor. She also revealed that the group that broke in armed when she was sleeping threatened to kill the boys if she made a complaint.

We live through hell. A group entered the house while we were sleeping and took everything. I was with my four children and my nephew who lives at home. We are alive thanks to the Virgin of Sorrows and Mama Antula,” she wrote on her social network. Instagram along with the recording of his bedroom in which you can see the way in which the thieves threw his books, among other things, and destroyed part of the furniture.

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In the early morning in conversation with the radio station where he works, Ninci revealed that a few days ago they had already tried to force the door of his house on the street. Guardia Vieja and that she had notified personnel from the Ministry of Security of the city of Buenos Aires of this situation.

In relation to what happened in the early morning, when they entered his property, he indicated: “We are miraculously alive, they entered us while we were sleeping”. He also said that his home is “chorizo” type and that the only income is through the garageso he regretted not having left the car in such a way as to prevent the arrival of this group.

“I think it was like 3 in the morning. Suddenly I start to hear screams and when I leave my room I see that a stream grabbed Marquitos on the stairs, that they were starting to take them all down.. Suddenly I see that they also grab Carolina downstairs, she is the smallest and she got more scared. And there in her room first they put a gun on us and then they took us all to my room, they threw us face down,” he said.

She also stated that she saw three thieves, while her daughter Malena claimed to have seen at least four people inside the house. “They began to wake up the boys, to gag them. For a moment Carolina was half mad and I told her ‘calm down, calm down’. After a bit of a struggle, in a somewhat violent situation, they took us to a room, mine. They threw the six of us on the floor, and on my bed too, and they started to stir everything up.“, narrated the chronicler, who assured: “They wanted money, we don’t have a peso”.

She also recalled that on the radio she had said that Malena was going to Germany for four months and that two friends had lent her Dollars. “It was the only thing we had. I had a little bit downstairs, because she was already leaving, and she had the rest hidden upstairs. Y [los ladrones] they wanted gold things. “I sold everything,” he also stated about what the criminals demanded of them, while highlighting that to finish paying his bills he sold his most valuable belongings and that he only had some earrings left from his great-grandmother, which they took, as well than a gold watch that his mother had given him when he graduated. A camera was also stolen.

According to his story, the people who entered his house told him “We know that you have contacts in Comodoro Py and that you are a friend of the Pope”and they saw her on the program blessed, from Channel 9, where he no longer works. She tried to talk to them calmly, and they yelled at me and told me that she was going to denounce them because she was a friend of the politicians. I told them: ‘If there is anyone who is not a friend of politicians, it is me,’ she asserted. “In a moment Marquitos, who is very Catholic, prayed very strongly to the Holy Spirit. and he prayed for all of us, for them, for their families. And it was a tremendous moment for the jets too, who wanted to silence him,” he added.

Furthermore, in the midst of the threats, according to what he narrated, they also told him: “Don’t file a complaint because we know where you live and we are going to kill the boys.”

Still terrified by what happened, Ninci assured that “they turned the whole house upside down” and regarding the thieves she described: “They came with their faces uncovered, they had gloves and they were very professional, especially the one who was guarding us. They were about 30 years old. The leader was very charismatic, he said that he spent 15 years in Cana. I was afraid that the girls would be raped.”.

Now angry about the inaction on the part of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security, because according to her version she had already warned about what happened on March 6 when they tried to force the lock, the chronicler expressed: “We are all trembling, terrified. The boys are shaking. How do I get this trauma out of the kids? How do I return the money they lent me?”.

Later, in an interview for LN+Ninci shared more details of what happened and that now her daughter will not be able to obtain a visa to study in Germany due to lack of money.

“They took us all to my room, they put three of us in my bed and three of us on the floor. We couldn’t see each other, it was dark. The criminals were armed. I don’t know if two hours passed, it seemed like a lifetime. They wanted gold and silver. First they asked us for our cell phones. “They turned my whole house upside down,” the journalist explained.

Then he added: ““My daughter cries because she won’t be able to go to Germany, she was leaving in a month but they stole the money she needed.”

According to information you accessed THE NATION, officers from Neighborhood Police Station 5A of the City Police moved to the scene of the incident. The Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office 50 now intervenes, led by Dr. Orfila, secretary of Dr. Soulé, who arranged the presence of the Communal Investigations Division 5 and the Traces Division.

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