I will double some large museums to show more works

by time news

Time.news – “The idea that I have also put in the programmatic lines of the ministry that I presented to the Culture Commissions of the Chamber and the Senate is that of being able to double some large museums that are part of the Italian imagination”. This was stated by the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, on the sidelines of an inspection of Palazzo Fuga in Naples, referring “to the Uffizi for the Renaissance and Mann for archeology and the Greek-Roman world”.

“Italy – recalls the minister – has 5 million works of art, of which we exhibit only 480 thousand. If foreigners had what we have in the warehouses, they would sparkle”. “For example – he says – yesterday the director of the Mann also sent me his proposal on some collections that can be located here but which I guarantee you are collections of international level, maybe the Americans or the Germans had them”. For Sangiuliano, it is necessary “make usable even what we have inside the warehouses”.

Minister Sangiuliano recalls that “we have recovered the resources to intervene on Escape Palace”a building that “I know very well because I am a native of this neighborhood and every time I passed here, I looked at this building so large, so monumental and I wondered how much potential a building of this type could have, which, when suitably renovated, reactivated , can be a cultural lung for Naples which is having so much ability to attract tourists who must, however, cross the culture, history, identity, the community sediment of this city”.

© Dominic Casale

The Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano visits Palazzo Fuga in Naples

The exponent of the Executive thanked the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, with which he carried out the inspection, “which immediately – says Sangiuliano – made me willing to work together to develop a well-defined project on the vocation of this place”. “The resources, in part, are there and, in part – he underlines – I am committed to recovering others, so that we can have a suitable intervention that can give ample scope to this place, which can have many functions”.

Meanwhile, “Monday – Sangiuliano anticipates – we will have a meeting with the technicians of the ministry, I also thank the director La Rocca who followed me here this morning. And then with the mayor and with the technicians of the Municipality of Naples we will begin to define. we like things very quickly, we are not eternal. I hope that within a month we can define a protocol with the Municipality of Naples and then we leave to do what we have to do”. The minister, with the reporters, clarified that Palazzo Fuga “must be an open space”.

“I – he concludes – I have a lot of faith in the Neapolitans and in the young Neapolitans. Naples is a forge of excellences that are all over the world. Where I go I cross my fellow citizens who have made their way with their skills”. “So I am convinced that the neighborhood will integrate very well with a dimension of this type”.

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