“I will follow my mother’s example”

by time news

Time.news – The United Kingdom officially has a new sovereign: the proclamation of Charles III took place, as usual, in St. James Palace during the Access Council which was attended by members of the Privy Council in a restricted format.

Present, in addition to the queen consort Camilla and the heir to the throne William, the current premier Liz Truss, high-level politicians, together with the archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Lined up in the front row, strictly in black, are the six former prime ministers alive: Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, John Mayor, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson.

© Jonathan Brady / POOL / AFP

The proclamation of King Charles III

All eyes are on the new king, who has come to the throne after decades of waitingforced to deal with the vivid memory of a deeply loved queen, with some mistakes to be forgiven and a message of his own yet to be sent to the country.

“I am deeply aware of this great legacy, of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty that have now been passed to me,” said the 73-year-old Carlo, taking an oath.

Referring to the “inspiring example” she received from her mother, the new monarch paid her homage by remembering her reign “unmatched in its durability, dedication and devotion”.

Among the promises made, also that of protecting the security of the Church of Scotland which, unlike that of England, is separated from the State. A thought went to “his beloved wife Camilla”, whose “constant support” encourages him “deeply”, to then sign the documents using an inkwell given to him by his children, William and Harry.

united kingdom proclamation king charles III

Carlo also announced that the day of Elizabeth II’s funeral, expected on Monday 19 but not yet confirmed, will be a public holiday in the country.

For the first time in history, the ceremony took place under the eye of the cameras, a novelty for the British people who last time, back in February 1952, for Elizabeth II had to wait for the announcement of the herald. Herald who promptly appeared from the balcony, at the end of the function, welcomed by the clamor of the crowd that had crowded around the building for hours, filling the surrounding streets.

At his words, there were enthusiastic shouts and as the fanfare sang the God Save the King, the square sang. Words that have not been heard for 70 years. In the background, the 41 cannon volleys fired at Hyde Park and 62 at the Tower of London.

The same announcement, complete with fanfare and waiting crowds, was then repeated at the Royal Exchange in central London, and the same will happen in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales tomorrow. A smiling Charles III then returned to Buckingham Palace while at the Commons there was a ceremony in which MPs were sworn in again, starting with Truss, speaker Lindsay Hoyle, Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer and the leader of the Commons Penny Mordaunt, who had previously chaired the Access Council.

Meanwhile at Balmoral, the members of the Royal Family present, including Elizabeth’s three children – Anna, Andrea and Edward – together with some grandchildren of the late queen, attended a mass in her memory, to their emotion and to the people present. , who left hundreds of bouquets and messages.

  • 15:18

    The parliamentarians swear allegiance

    Senior British MPs, including new Prime Minister Liz Truss, swore allegiance to the new King Charles III during a special session. The first was sworn in by the speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, followed by Sir Peter Bottomley, the deputy with the most years of service of all. When his turn came, Truss swore by stating, “I swear to Almighty God that I will be faithful and will bring true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to the law. I therefore ask God to help me.”

  • 14:22

    Michel, wish you a reign of success and glory

    The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, in a tweet wished King Charles III of England a “reign of success and glory”.

  • 13:22

    Tomorrow proclamations in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales

    Further proclamations of Charles III will be read in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales tomorrow at 12 noon (1pm Italian time)

  • 13:11

    ‘God Save the King’ e ‘Urra” per il re

    After the fanfare, the second proclamation of the new ruler of England, Charles III, was read by the ‘Clarenceux King of Arms’ at the Royal Exchange in London, where the traditional’ God Save the King ‘and Urra’ were chanted. ‘, while the Coldstream Guards band sang the national anthem.

  • 13:02

    Second proclamation at the Royal Exchange is underway

    The second proclamation of Charles III is underway at the Royal Exchange in London. This is the proclamation in which the new king presents himself to the people.

  • 12:45

    Putin congratulates himself on the proclamation of Charles III

    Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the new British King Charles III on the occasion of his proclamation. The Kremlin reports, stating that Putin has sent a telegram.

    “Please receive my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your accession to the throne,” said Putin in his message to the new king.
    “I wish Her Majesty success, good health and all good things,” adds the Russian leader.

  • 12:42

    For the first time, the proclamation ceremony was broadcast on TV

    Charles III was formally proclaimed king at the ceremony held at the Accession Council at St James Palace. It is the first time that this traditional rite of the British monarchy has been broadcast on television.
    Among others present at the ceremony were the queen consort Camilla, the new heir to the throne and Prince of Wales, William, the premier Liz Truss and her predecessors in the office of prime minister. The new sovereign said in a short speech that he was “deeply aware” of the great inheritance that touches him, he trusted in the support of the queen consort, he confirmed that he will continue in the tradition of pouring the proceeds from the assets of the Crown into public finances in exchange of an annual annuity set at 15% of their amount (a sum that for the year 2021/22 was equal to 86.3 million pounds or 98 million euros).
    Hundreds of people gathered outside St James Palace.
    Charles, who automatically became king upon the death of his mother Elizabeth, will be crowned at a later date in the coming months.

  • 12:04

    “God save the King”, hello and hymn to St James

    The proclamation of Charles III was pronounced to the crowd gathered in front of St James Palace. The cannon volley greeted the news and the crowd sang God Save the King.

  • 12:02

    Charles III, I will act guided by the Parliament

    King Charles III will carry out his functions as head of state “led by the council of elected parliaments”. He said it in the speech he gave during the official proclamation ceremony. “Assuming these responsibilities – he solemnly affirmed – I will strive to follow the inspiring example that has been given to me, supporting the constitutional government, and to seek peace, harmony and prosperity of the peoples of these islands, in addition to those of the kingdoms and commonwealth territories throughout the world. To this end, I know that I will be supported by the affection and loyalty of the peoples of which I am called to be the sovereign and in the fulfillment of these duties I will be guided by the council of elected parliaments “.

  • 11:59

    The British press praises the first speech of King Charles III

    The first speech delivered to the nation yesterday by Charles III, proclaimed the new king at St James Palace this morning, dominates British newspapers today.
    His words particularly struck for intensity and emotion, especially those with which he greeted his mother, Elizabeth II forever. “To my darling Mama, thank you” headlines Daly Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Sun and Daily Star. The Daily Express has chosen to highlight the quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet with which Charles greeted the deceased sovereign (“May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”).
    The Guardian and The Times have chosen to underscore the king’s promise to pledge to serve the nation with “loyalty, respect and love”.

    The Telegraph editorial praised his sentiments: the king addressed the nation “with a warm understanding of what his people longed to hear” with an expression of the firm faith that will guide him and a solemn dedication to duty that is now his “.

  • 11:50

    The former premier in black in the Throne Room to pay homage

    The ex-British premieres, strictly in black, are lined up in the throne room at St. James Palace to pay homage to the new king, Charles III. There are 250 dignitaries present including private councilors and ministers, along with former ministers, prime ministers and high priests.

    Among the members of the Accession Council, all the last British prime ministers flocked to Saint James Palace, from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown, from David Cameron to Theresa May to Boris Johnson. After participating in the first part of the proclamation ceremony of the new king, particularly felt after 70 years from the previous one, they all moved from the gallery of paintings to the throne room of the ancient palace in central London, to hear the words of Charles III. and greet him King.
    The ceremony was presided over by Lord President Penny Mordaunt, who listed all the steps following the Proclamation. In particular, this will be officially read in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast and will be followed by blanks in Hyde Park and the Tower of London.

  • 11:35

    Charles III, I will count on the support of my beloved wife

    “I am deeply encouraged by the constant support of my beloved wife,” King Charles III said in his speech in St James Palace, referring to the queen consort Camilla.

  • 11:32

    Charles III, confirmed religious right of the Church of Scotland

  • 11:30

    Charles III, I am committed for the rest of my days

  • 11:26

    Charles III, I will respect Elizabeth’s duties and legacy

  • 11:23

    At the proclamation of Charles III, the former prime ministers lined up

    Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson are present at the Accession Council which will officially crown Charles III.

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