I will not take the law into my hands: Amir of Jamaat

by times news cr

2024-09-06 19:51:17

‘We said, we will not take revenge; This means, we will not take the law into our own hands. But, whoever commits specific crime, he will be prosecuted and punished. Genocide must be prosecuted. The crimes committed in the last 15 and a half years must be prosecuted.

Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami said these words in the opening speech of the president at the party’s central council meeting at Al-Falah auditorium in Moghbazar, capital on Thursday (September 5). Shafiqur Rahman. At this time, he called for an exemplary trial to identify the perpetrators of genocide through an international investigation.

Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami and former MP Prof. Mia Golam Parwar, Naib Emir of the party and former MP Prof. Mujibur Rahman, Dr. Syed Abdullah Md. Members of the Central Executive Council and Central Majlis including Taher and Maulana Shamsul Islam were present.

Dr. session. Shafiqur Rahman said, “We have called upon our organization that those affected should file a case, take legal recourse, and keep a sharp eye so that no one is treated unfairly.” No innocent person should be accused.

He said, the country belongs to all of us. A large number of people participated in the students’ movement. All political parties, classes and professions have participated in this movement. Diaspora brothers also participated in the movement along with the countrymen. They have been victimized while protesting. In one country, 57 people were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. We demanded from the government that they should be removed on priority basis. We thank the government for taking the initiative. I also thank the government of that country, they pardoned and released the protestors. We demand from the government that they should be rehabilitated with dignity.

Commemorating the martyred leaders of the Jamaat, the Amir of the party said that they were oppressed only because of their Islamic movement. 11 leaders have been unjustly taken from us. Five people were hanged on death row in cases framed by false accusations. Five died in jail. Instead of being admitted to a hospital and being cured, his body was taken to a cemetery. Law enforcement forces attacked his funeral. Even one of those who were hanged illegally by the government was not allowed to have a peaceful funeral. The houses of the martyred leaders were attacked. The family members were arrested and taken to the police station and tortured. Many people could not stay in their homes in this scary situation. Some members of the martyr’s family have gone missing. The two missing victims have been freed and described the inhumane torture inflicted on them to the countrymen. They were kept hidden in a kind of gas chamber called an ayanaghar, where no sunlight could penetrate. He did not hesitate to humiliate our mothers and sisters.

“Millions of leaders and activists of opposition parties including Jamaat have been jailed and harassed with thousands of false cases. Countless people have gone missing, the actual number of which is unknown to the nation. Our workers were killed by staging a crossfire drama. Every night, every day was filled with anxiety. All offices including our central office, metropolitan/district and even grassroots were closed. Everything in the office was looted. No space was given to us anywhere. We have been treated cruelly,’ he added.

Like Hitler’s gas chamber, a mirror has been created in our country, Jamaat’s Amir said, not only Jamaat-e-Islami, but the opposition party BNP, Ulamae Keram and other religious organizations have been subjected to similar violence. Jamaat-e-Islami has been harassed to varying degrees. Thousands of clerics were arrested and imprisoned for years on various pretexts. Elderly clerics were also brought to court with shackles on their hands and feet.’

“On May 5, 2013, the oppressors did not stop with the horrific massacre in Shapla Square, but the scholars were threatened not to open their mouths.” We were not allowed to go on the streets for 15 and a half years of misrule by the previous government. We could not even protest against the government’s unspeakable oppression and torture due to the ban on processions and meetings. The fascist government organized three unacceptable farce elections. When crimes such as disappearances, murders, murders, assaults, arrests, tortures, looting, encroachments, and rapes cross the final limit, Allah’s judgment comes down on the ground,’ he commented.

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said that the previous government carried out clear genocide due to greed for power and stubbornness. The government has killed its citizens not only on the ground but also by firing from the air. This genocide carried out in a free country is in no way acceptable. We demand from the present government that the murderers should be arrested and brought to justice. After 15 and a half years as a group we have been treated with hostility. Our registration has been revoked. At the last minute, the government got desperate and banned us.

The Amir of Jamaat said that those who have looted the wealth of the people and smuggled the money from the bank should be brought back. The looters should be brought back and brought to justice wherever they are in the world.

He said, today the time has come to unite the divided nation. There should be a voice against injustice and untruth. So that no one can fail this desired change of the nation, we will guard together. We must take an uncompromising stand for freedom. May Allah have mercy on Bangladesh. May Allah bless us to build a civilized united nation.

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