“I will serve you as my mother” – time.news

by time news
from Luigi Ippolito

The meeting with the crowd in London (and the kiss of a woman), then the interview with Prime Minister Truss and the first words of a sovereign

LONDON – A day full of words, gestures and meanings, the one faced yesterday by the new King Charles III: who presented himself to his subjects and to the world to give an initial taste of what his reign could be, after the 70 years of the second era Elizabethan.

The first crowd bath took place yesterday morning, in front of Buckingham Palace, where Carlo and his wife Camilla arrived aboard a vintage Rolls-Royce, just off the flight that had brought them back to London from Balmoral. The new king got out of the car and walked towards a crowd of thousands of people pressing against the barriers and chanting “God save the King”, God preserve the King: Charles did not escape the embrace and for 15 minutes he paraded to greet his subjects, shaking hands almost one by one. And, somehow a sign of a new style, he was flawless when a woman hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Then the singing of the national anthem rose spontaneously from the crowd: a symbolic moment of transition from the condolences for the disappearance of Elizabeth, who had hovered throughout the morning, to the greeting for the new king and for the future of the Kingdom.

Carlo, accompanied by Camilla, who up to that moment had kept aloof, with a touched face, therefore entered Buckingham Palace where he received for the first hearing Liz Trussthe new prime minister also in office for only a few days: “A moment that I had feared so much,” it was heard referring to the death of her mother.

Out, sixty-two cannon shots they gave their last farewell to the deceased queen, to whom Parliament’s tribute had previously gone: former premier Boris Johnson called her “Elizabeth the Great”, who “worked so hard for the good of her country not only now but for generations to come “.

The most important moment of the day was though Carlo’s speechwhich had been recorded a few hours earlier and was broadcast at 6pm, at the start of a church service that took place in St Paul’s Cathedral.

A speech given in the wake of Elizabeth: the new King Charles, addressing his subjects for the first time, firmly indicated that will lead the monarchy in the direction traced by his mother, who knew how to combine “constant love for tradition and acceptance without fear of progress”. And he recalled and made his own the promise of 21-year-old Elizabeth, who swore to dedicate her life to the service of her peoples: “Wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in kingdoms and territories in the world, and whatever your background and your creed, I promise to serve you with loyalty, respect and love “proclaimed the new ruler.

Much of his speech was a tribute to the deceased queen and her missing mother: Elizabeth’s, he said, was “A life well lived, a promise with destiny kept”. “Her dedication and devotion as a sovereign – he added – has never wavered, through moments of change and progress, of joy and celebration, of sadness and loss”.

But Carlo also gave important indications for the future. He recalled that when Elizabeth ascended the throne, Britain was still living “by the conventions of yesteryear”, while over the next 70 years it became “A society of many cultures and many faiths”. And yet “our values ​​have remained, and must remain, constant”.

Here came a very significant passage of the speech: when he recalled the «Particular relationship and responsibility of the sovereign towards the Church of England, the Church in which my own faith is deeply rooted ”. A sign that, alongside the respect for the pluralism that characterizes the United Kingdom, King Charles he does not intend to abdicate his role as a Christian rulerfrom which ultimately derives his divine right to reign.

And another important moment was the political one: like his mother, the new king promised to “Respect the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation”. A way to dispel the doubts of wanting to interfere in government affairs, after 70 years of total neutrality on the part of Elisabetta: certainly, Carlo will not give up his prerogative of “advising” the prime ministers, but he will want to avoid lending his side to the he accuses himself of being a “meddlesome king.”

The final part of the speech was dedicated to family members and the role they will play. First Camilla, for which it was confirmed the rank of queen consort, “In recognition of his loyal public service.” While a surprise it was the immediate appointment of his son William as Prince of Wales: the title is not automatic and it was believed that some time would pass (as it had been for Carlo) before the officialization. A sign that the new king wants his son by his side from the first moment, a sort of “vice-king” in fact. And it was not lacking a mention for Harry and Meghantowards which the sovereign expressed his “love”, but added that “they continue to build their lives overseas”: a sign that at the moment their return to their homeland and therefore a reconciliation with the rest of the royal family is not in sight .

The conclusion of the speech was a touching tribute to the “dear Mother”, whom he thanked one last time for “Love and devotion to our family and the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years. ‘ “May multitudes of angels accompany you with song to your rest,” concluded the king with emotion, quoting Shakespeare.

This morning at 10 the Accession Council will officially proclaim the new king

, who will take the oath: and for the first time the ceremony will be broadcast on TV. Then, national mourning pending Elizabeth’s funeral, in 10 days.

September 9, 2022 (change September 10, 2022 | 00:11)

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