IAEA passes resolution criticizing Iran, which retaliates

by time news

The tone is rising in the Iranian nuclear dossier: the United States and the Europeans had the IAEA adopt a resolution on Wednesday formally calling Tehran to order, against a backdrop of deadlock in negotiations to save the 2015 agreement.

In response, the Islamic Republic, castigating an “unconstructive” initiative, had earlier disconnected surveillance cameras installed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Washington immediately warned that this decision risked “further complicating” the talks in Vienna, already suspended since March.

First reprimand since June 2020

The text tabled by the United States and the E3 (United Kingdom, France and Germany) is the first reprimand against Iran at the UN body since June 2020. It was approved by 30 members of the Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, only Russia and China voting against, according to two diplomats interviewed by AFP. Three countries also abstained (India, Libya, Pakistan).

This resolution urges Iran to “cooperate” with the IAEA, which deplored in a recent report the absence of “technically credible” answers concerning traces of enriched uranium found at three undeclared sites.

Cut cameras

Iran had anticipated this vote and disconnected during the day “several cameras” on “nuclear sites” in the country, according to a press release from the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (OIEA). “Today, the relevant authorities were instructed to turn off the online enrichment monitors (OLEMs) and cameras from the agency’s flow meters,” she said.

These instruments constituted, again according to the Iranian organization, a “goodwill gesture” which was not “appreciated” by the IAEA. She added, however, that “more than 80% of the agency’s existing cameras are operating under the safeguard agreement and will continue to operate as before.” His spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, who went to a site to see the cameras stop, warned that “other measures were being considered”.

“Regrettable” decision

This decision is “extremely regrettable” and “counter-productive”, reacted a spokesman for American diplomacy interviewed by AFP. “Iran’s response should be to cooperate fully” with the IAEA, “not to further develop its nuclear activities and reduce transparency”. “The decision of the Board (of IAEA Governors) is a necessary first step towards restoring Iran’s compliance with its obligations,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Since January 2016, the IAEA has been verifying and monitoring the implementation of the commitments made by Iran in the nuclear agreement concluded the previous year in Vienna with the major powers.

“Maximum pressure”

The pact, known by its acronym JCPOA, granted the Islamic Republic sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program. But Washington withdrew from the agreement in 2018 under the presidency of Donald Trump, judging the text insufficient, and reinstated economic sanctions against Tehran, which in response gradually freed itself from its commitments.

The current American president, Joe Biden, being him favorable to the agreement, negotiations started in April 2021 in Vienna between the E3, Russia and China to try to relaunch it, but seem more and more dedicated to failure. The United States participates indirectly.

Iran close to the bomb?

“Iran has no hidden nuclear activities or unreported sites” and has “maintained maximum cooperation with the IAEA,” IAEA chief Mohammad Eslami denied on Wednesday, accusing Westerners of wanting “ maintain maximum pressure” with this “political” resolution. During the debates before the Board of Governors, London, Paris and Berlin denounced “an advanced nuclear program as never before”, and activities “without credible civil justification”.

According to the latest IAEA estimates, Iran will soon have amassed enough 60% enriched uranium to build a bomb. Tehran denies any military aim. “We strongly call on Iran to stop its escalation and to urgently conclude the agreement which is on the table” to resuscitate the 2015 pact, insisted the Europeans.

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