IBGE discusses the present and future of statistics in the world at the 55th Session of the UN Statistics Commission

by time news

The IBGE delegation participated in 32 ordinary sessions and 8 parallel events – Photo: UNSC Archive

The present and future of global statistics, regional integration, new environmental indicators and the resumption of international protagonism by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were the highlights of Brazilian participation in the 55th Session of the United Nations (UN) Statistical Commissionheld in New York, in the United States, and ending on Friday, 1, with the participation of national statistical institutes from 180 countries in the UN system, 52 international agencies and non-governmental bodies and more than 30 parallel events over five activity days.

Represented at the event by the president, Marcio Pochmann, IBGE also had a delegation made up of the Director of Research, Elizabeth Belo Hypólito, the manager of the Research Center, of the National School of Statistical Sciences, Andrea Diniz da Silva and the server of the Directorate of Geosciences , Claudio Stenner. Throughout the event, the delegation from IBGE participated in 32 Ordinary Sessions and 8 parallel events, two of which were organized and coordinated by the Institute, in addition to 11 bilateral meetings.

Articulating national statistical institutions, especially among Latin American and Caribbean countries, IBGE participated in the 55th Session of the UN Statistics Commission at the center of definitions on data governance and statistics for global use, driven by the Institute’s effort to build and consolidate its National Geosciences, Statistics and Data System (Singed).

In a similar sense and effort, the UN itself announced in this Session the integration of all data produced by the institutions that make up the United Nations system, such as UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank, among others, with the aim of offering the world better information and indicators for evaluation, management and development of public policies.

During the meeting, the integration of all data produced by the institutions that make up the United Nations system was announced – Photo: UNSC Archive

IBGE played a central role in the working group to define a common methodology for harmonizing and matching data from different sources, as well as generating new statistical classifications and analysis of data activities.

Climate change and new environmental indicators

The insufficiency of the current measures to mitigate the effects of climate change and the scarcity of satisfactory indicators to support public policies for this purpose lead to a firm and sophisticated offer of statistical measures and indicators to be constructed by bringing together the efforts of multiple institutions under protagonism of IBGE.

IBGE organized a side event to discuss the project “Environmental and climate change indicators: a common approach using innovative methods and alternative data sources”, which receives support from the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB, under the Regional Public Goods initiative, and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Representatives from the statistical institutes of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and the Dominican Republic participated in the meeting, as well as representatives from the IDB, ECLAC, the UN Statistics Division, UNICEF, the International Monetary Fund and the Mission of Brazil at the UN.

The project will be led by IBGE, representing Brazil, and will feature the participation of eleven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective of the project is to generate a new level of environmental indicators related to supporting urgent and necessary measures to combat climate change in the world.

New technical cooperation agreements

As part of the resumption of IBGE’s leading role in debates, improvements and proposals for new methodologies and statistical indicators on the planet, the Institute held several bilateral meetings to discuss partnerships with international organizations and statistical institutes from countries such as Mexico, Portugal, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia, in addition to different global bodies.

In a meeting with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, it was a collaboration to carry out activities that help strengthen the Brazilian national statistical system. The collaboration should begin with a side activity to the ministerial meeting that will deal with the environmental issue, which will take place in Brazil later this year.

With the United Arab Emirates Institute of Statistics, it was about continuing the partnership between the Regional Hub for Big Data in Brazil and the Hub in the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the possibility of collaboration and exchange of experience in carrying out economic and opinion research .

President Marcio Pochmann discussed the continuity of the partnership between the Regional Hub for Big Data in Brazil and the Hub in the United Arab Emirates – Photo: IBGE Archive

In a meeting with the Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM), IBGE’s support for the third International Consultation on the use of Big Data in Latin America and the Caribbean was agreed, carried out by the Institute as part of the work plan of the UN Regional Hub for Big Data in Brazil, based at the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

For the president of IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, the participation of IBGE and its delegation in the 55th Session of the UN Statistics Commission resumes an important international role for the institute in the urgent and strategic planning of data governance and statistics in the future.

In all meetings, “recognition of the importance of Brazil, as well as of IBGE, as a global reference institution in the scope of national and international statistics, in addition to the opportunity to establish new technical cooperation agreements. In this international recognition, Brazil stands out for being one of the three nations on the globe with the capacity to converge statistics with geoscience within the same institution”, says Pochmann.

“The active presence of IBGE in what is the main global discussion forum on national statistics, leading meetings and establishing technical cooperation agreements with different countries, is very positive to guarantee an increasingly integrated and paired system of statistical data belonging to multiple dimensions of human knowledge”, concludes the president of IBGE.

See this and other news about IBGE’s participation in 55th Session of the UN Statistical Commission no Portal, Agency and IBGE networks.

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