IBGE postpones release of new survey data

by time news

2023-09-10 11:00:00

Brazil Agency

New data from the 2022 Census is delayed and remains unannounced

After postponing the announcement of the results of the 2022 Census regarding the age and sex of the population, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) reported that it is reviewing the dates for releasing the information obtained from the most recent national demographic census.

On September 1st, the institute announced the postponement, for an indefinite period, of the dissemination of statistical data on the age and gender of Brazilians. The information would be detailed on Wednesday (6).

Do you have an explanation?

When asked about the cause of the postponement, IBGE informed, through its advisors, that there was no “specific reason”.

“This schedule had not yet been [integralmente] defined. Only a few disclosures had been announced”, informed the institute’s advisory, adding that “with the arrival of the new direction, it is natural that these and other factors are reviewed”.

From the end of June until now, the IBGE released the total size of the Brazilian population (a little over 203 million people) and of the indigenous populations (1.69 million) and quilombola (1.32 million).

The dates for the next announcements have not yet been defined by the institute’s board of directors.


The previous demographic census was carried out in 2010. The prediction was that the IBGE would carry out a recount of the Brazilian population in 2015, but the federal government did not allocate the necessary financial resources, postponing the work. Which, according to the institute itself, contributed to the divergence between the initial expectation of those responsible for the 2022 census, who estimated that the Brazilian population already exceeded 213.3 million people, and the final result, presented at the end of June.

In 2020, the covid-19 pandemic added to financial and logistical problems, preventing census takers from carrying out home visits. It was only in August last year, two years late, that the census actually began to be carried out.

On the website, the IBGE explains that the results of each new demographic census allow a comprehensive and faithful portrait of the country to be drawn, being extremely important for the government and society.

“The census produces up-to-date and accurate information that is fundamental for the development and implementation of public policies and for carrying out investments, both by the government and the private sector”, points out the institute.

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