ice baths have more dangers than benefits

by time news

2023-05-23 14:25:59

Cold water immersion is an activity that divides people: some love it and others hate it. But the truth is that there are many who practice it weekly, or even daily, convinced that it is positive for their mental and physical health.

Also called cryotherapy, cold water immersion can consist of swimming outdoors – in lakes, rivers or the ocean –, taking cold showers or even soaking in an ice bath. It has long been used by athletes to reduce muscle soreness and speed recovery by spending about ten minutes after exercise in cold water at around 10-15°C.

Additionally, cold water immersion has also been used to help treat symptoms of depression, pain, and migraines. In fact, there are many accounts of how cold water therapy has changed lives, healed broken hearts, and helped people through difficult times.

Although many studies have identified benefits related to ice baths and recovery from exercise, a 2014 study found that it could be a placebo effect.

cold water hazards

For any activity that claims to have a therapeutic effect, the minimum requirement is that it “do no harm.” Well, that is something that we cannot say about cold water, which carries quite a few risks.

In fact, everything points to the fact that less is more when it comes to cold water immersion. In other words, soaking in colder water or staying in it for longer is not better for you. In fact, it can have the opposite effect.

One of the little-known problems associated with immersion in cold water is what is known as non-freezing cold injury. When we are exposed to the cold, it is normal for the hands and feet to feel very cold or numb and to feel tingling or pain when they warm up again. For most people, these symptoms are temporary, with normal sensations returning within a few minutes. But for people with non-glacial cold injury, these symptoms (pain, altered sensation, and cold sensitivity)) can persist in affected areas for many years due to damage to nerves and blood vessels.

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    If you decide to try cold water therapy, there are some tips to keep in mind:

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    Consult with the family doctor beforehand to confirm that it is safe in our particular case.

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    Make sure you are not alone during the dive and, if you are outdoors, be aware of tides, currents, waves, underwater obstacles, pollution and jellyfish.

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    Always be sure to be careful when submerging in cold water, don’t stay in too long, and take care of yourself afterwards.

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    Plan how we are going to get in and out of the water safely: the muscles will not work as well with the drop in temperature and we could lose feeling in our hands and feet.

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    Make sure you have towels, dry clothes, windbreaks, a hot drink and a place to shelter when you leave.

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    Do not drive or ride a bicycle until you warm up.

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    Spend only a short time in the cold water and get out before you experience numbness, pain, or chills.

Its cause is prolonged exposure to cold and wet conditions such as those found in trenches during wars, hence its nickname “trench foot.” However, not only the military are prone to it, there have also been recent cases in people who sleep on the street and in those who practice water sports.

Another issue is that it is not known how cold is too cold when it comes to cold water immersion and non-freezing cold injuries. There are also many differences in the way our individual bodies respond to cooling. For example, people of African and Caribbean origin appear to be more susceptible to non-freezing cold injury, so the risks of cold exposure vary from person to person.

It is encouraging, however, that a 2020 study of cold-water swimmers indicates that while they may have sensitivity to cold, it was not associated with damage to blood vessels in the skin.

This article has been previously published in The Conversation

Heather Massey. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science & Health, School of Sport, Health & Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth

Clare Eglin. Principal Lecturer in the School of Sport, Health, and Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth

Mike Tipton. Professor of Human and Applied Physiology, University of Portsmouth

#ice #baths #dangers #benefits

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