“ICEX Consolidates”, a new program to help foreign establishment and internationalization of Spanish SMEs.

by time news

I highlight, for example, the good figures for Spanish exports, with more than 150,000 companies that sell products and services abroad. Also the significant growth in exports of servicesin Spain 2/3 of the export figure correspond to sales of products, and 1/3 to services, being tourism 40% of the total figure for the export of services.

It is important to know the call for European aid from the HORIZON 2020 and the SME Instrument for finance innovation of our SMEs. Of the more than 400 European projects presented, 150 have Spanish companies. I recommend that you read the guide published by the CDTI with the keys to understanding the scope of this European programme, crucial to achieving Non-refundable grants for innovative companies. Internationalization is key in any European program, and that is why innovative SMEs that already have an International Business Plan prepared while working with the ICEX NEXT Program have a lot to gain.


The plan CONSOLIDATED ICEX was born with the aim of becoming a favorable element of the consolidation in foreign markets of those Spanish SMEs that have already started a viable, quality project with a considerable and proven impact. This Plan is aimed at supporting internationalization projects in foreign markets of Spanish SMEs that have a defined policy of their own Spanish brand and that belong to any sector of activity, that have a subsidiary already established at the time of filing the application in foreign markets, with the exception of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and United States, and its constitution date cannot be prior to January 1, 2013.

The three large blocks susceptible to support:

1.-Previous expenses of constitution and first establishment

2.-Promotion expenses

3.-Expenses for legal defense of trademarks and homologation

The amount of the aid will be 50% of the concepts eligible for support with a maximum limit of 50,000 euros per beneficiary.

Each beneficiary company may present several projects for support simultaneously, in different markets, in this case the percentage of support is also 50% of the concepts eligible for support and establishing a maximum aid limit of 65,000 euros.

In general, the expenses incurred will be subject to aid between January 1 and December 31, 2014.

The deadline for submitting applications will end thirty calendar days after publication in the BOE, that is, the October 29th.

Thanks to the PONS Foundation for offering us its magnificent facilities in Serrano, to the ICEX team that has managed to see us again in Madrid, and a hug to all the fellow consultants who fight every day to promote international business. A pleasure to see you again friends.

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