ICMR says no fourth wave in the country, covid, covid malayalam, covid vaccine, covid india, covid certificate, covid cases in india

by time news

The current increase in Kovid cases cannot be seen as a fourth type gamma

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New Delhi: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Additional Director General Sameeran Panda has said that the current increase in Kovid cases in India cannot be seen as a fourth category. He said Kovid’s leap had been observed at the district level but it could not be said that the country was moving towards the fourth tier.

He was speaking to the news agency IANS. At the district level, some jump in Kovid figures has been observed. But this can only be considered as a deviation from the current situation. He said the change was limited to certain parts of the country.

He also lists the reasons behind saying that the current one is not a fourth type gum. First, he says, the jump was recorded locally because of the proportion of testing. Panda says the only change now is that not all states are in Kovid’s grip.

The third reason, he points out, is that hospital admissions do not increase as Kovid increases. The fourth is that no new variant has been found yet. Panda says all these are examples of what is not the fourth type of gum currently in existence in the country.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently stated that the spread of Kovid is not over and that vigilance has not abated. Tedros Athanom Gibriosis, director general of the World Health Organization, warned that the Kovid epidemic would not go away.

Maria van Kherkhov, technical head of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program, said this was another phase of the epidemic and was still in its infancy. They also said that Kovid is still that global problem.

Content Highlights: no fourth covid wave in India says icmr, covid variants

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