One Tree Hill
The teenage series “One Tree Hill”, beloved by many millennials and not only, is getting a sequel that is already in the works from Netflix. The two main actresses Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton, who portrayed the carefree Brooke and the introverted rocker Peyton respectively, will return to the main cast while also taking on production roles, in collaboration with Danielle Ackles.
The original series ran for nine seasons on The WB and later on The CW, from 2003 to 2012, starring Chad Michael Murray, James Lafferty, and Bethany Joy Lenz, none of whom we know if they will participate in the new project. The creator of the series was Mark Schwahn, who has no involvement with the sequel, mainly due to allegations he has faced from several actresses and crew members of the series for sexual harassment.
One Tree Hill
For those who don’t know
The series was set in the fictional town of Tree Hill in North Carolina and initially focused on the rivalry between half-brothers Lucas and Nathan, who differed greatly in many ways. Their only commonality, apart from their detestable father, was their love for basketball. The series evolved into a story of friendship, relationships, and family drama, with the protagonists starting from high school and reaching their early adult years.