ICRC president at Gaza forum: civilians must be protected; the hostages must be released unharmed

by time news

2023-11-09 14:45:00

The suffering we have seen unfold in Gaza and Israel is intolerable: the tragic loss of countless people and, in particular, many children; the destruction of civilian homes; deep and recurring traumas; the hostages who remain captive, and their relatives immersed in anguish.

It is intolerable to think that this catastrophic humanitarian situation has been going on for a month now; It is unacceptable that it continues to drag on.

International humanitarian law is the most complete and practical tool we have at our disposal to guarantee the protection of civilians and promote the reduction of violence.

I urge the international community to ensure its full implementation.

Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

What is urgently and immediately needed is to save lives and preserve humanity. To achieve this, it is necessary to guarantee rapid and sustained access to much-needed humanitarian aid and supplies.

In Gaza, critical services such as healthcare, water and electricity supply, and communications must be immediately restored as a vital priority.

The ICRC has a staff of more than one hundred employees in Gaza, who continue to work amid the violence. We have preemptively stockpiled vital supplies and, in recent days, medical supplies and new equipment have entered through the Rafah crossing, including specialists in surgery and weapons contamination.

But reserves are running out, and our surgeons no longer have anesthesia or gauze to treat burns.

We are prepared to rapidly expand our activities given the magnitude of the needs, but we need to be able to enter large volumes of reserves on a regular basis and have the necessary security guarantees and access.

The ICRC is working to support communities in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, in particular through its partners, the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Magen David Adom and other members of the Movement, especially the Egyptian Red Crescent, to support the work of their essential emergency services.

Aid workers have shown impressive bravery and dedication, both in Gaza and Israel.

We know that doctors from Magen David Adom and the Palestinian Red Crescent, and humanitarian workers from the UN and other organizations, were killed while working to help others. I pay tribute to them and call for the urgent protection of all civilians, including medical and humanitarian personnel, and hospitals, in line with international humanitarian law.

The role of neutral intermediary has proven valuable in responding to humanitarian needs. Through dialogue with the parties, the ICRC has offered practical assistance at critical moments.

On Monday, we accompanied the ambulance transfer of patients in need of urgent medical attention from Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City to the Rafah crossing. As a neutral and trusted body, the ICRC also facilitated the two hostage release operations. We continue to call for the immediate release of the hostages, and we are prepared to facilitate further releases and visit hostages who remain in captivity.


Humanitarian aid should not be used to mask the lack of protection of civilian lives.

Those primarily responsible for protecting war victims are the parties to the conflict.

Protection must be extended to all civilians, including those who have remained in Gaza City. It is unlikely that the entire northern population will leave the site, and not all of its buildings can be considered military targets. It is urgent to begin preparing the return to the north of the hundreds of thousands of families who have been displaced. Respect for IHL will now have a substantial and positive effect.

In the West Bank, lethal violence against civilians continues to increase: these people cannot be forgotten; They must be protected and their needs must be met.

Without immediate restraint on both sides, we are headed for an even more serious humanitarian disaster and perpetuating cycles of violence.

We cannot accept absolute hostility, to the point of dehumanizing the other party.

With each passing day, the possibility of finding a way for dialogue and political solution dissipates.

We must try not only to reduce human suffering, but also to preserve a minimum space in which to agree on issues that are not achieved through military means, but through political dialogue.

I urge States to use their influence to ensure that IHL is fully respected and implemented.

The Geneva Conventions are practical:

It is prohibited to kill and mistreat civilians. Injured and sick people must be cared for, protected and respected. Detained people must receive humane and dignified treatment. Taking hostages is prohibited; The hostages must be released unharmed and immediately. Civilian infrastructure on which people’s lives depend, such as water and electricity supply networks, must be kept safe from attack. Regardless of any imposed military siege, the parties must ensure that civilians can meet their needs. basic needs, including medical care.

We are facing a catastrophic moral failure, and the world must not tolerate it.

I urge you to take concrete political measures to ensure a sustained humanitarian space, protect the special role of neutral actors, such as the ICRC, and allocate the necessary funds; I also urge you to respect the practical application of the laws of war.

More information:
[email protected]

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